| ![]() MIL-D-537F
Marking not as specified.
Calibrated rubber-nipple dropping pipette not provided
as specified.
4.5.2 Tests. Type I, classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 disks. Disks shall be visually compared with
buffer solutions and indicator solutions in a comparator using sample tubes having a 26 mm
viewing depth. Buffer solutions shall be prepared in accordance with National Bureau of
Standards Research Paper 2619. Indicator solutions shall conform to table I. Nonconformance
to table I shall constitute failure of this test. Type II, class 1, 2, 3, or 4 disks. Disks shall be visually compared with a series of
liquid chlorine standards in a comparator using sample tubes having a 26 mm viewing depth. The
liquid chlorine standards shall consist of sodium hypochlorite solutions treated with orthotolidine
solution as specified in the procedure outlined in "Colormetric Determination of Chlorine
Residuals up to 10 ppm with Orthotolidine" of the Journal of American Water Works
Association. The liquid chlorine solutions shall be standardized by titration as described in the
above article and shall be matched visually with the Modified Scott permanent chlorine standards
immediately before they are matched with the color disk. Preparation of the Examination of
Water, Sewage, and Industrial Wastes", published by the American Public Health Association.
Nonconformance to tables II or III shall constitute failure of this test. Type I, class 8; type II, class 5 disks. Disks shall be visually compared with the
applicable master color disk in a color comparator (see 3.8). For acceptance, identical match of
all color standards of the offered disks with the applicable color standards of the master color
disks as required. If color match of standards on offered disks and master disks are not identical,
test method may be used as an alternate. Reagents for testing pH 11 shall be prepared by
adapting the procedure described in National Bureau of Standards Research Paper 2619. Type II, class 6 disk. Disks shall be visually compared with a series of liquid chlorine
standards in a comparator using sample tubes having a 26 mm viewing depth. The sample tubes
shall be filled with 15 ml of orthotolidine solution and to this is added 0.75 ml of chlorine
standard. The liquid chlorine standards shall be prepared using the method described in Standard
Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, American Public Health Association,
Part I, Chlorine (Residual), B, Orthotolidine Method, Section 3. As an alternate, a standard color
disk may be used for comparison, provided the disk has been previously standardized as stated
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