| MIL-D-60572B
4.4.1 Examination, tests, and facility. After provisional acceptance at source, the sample shall be inspected
for all requirements of the drawings and specifications at a Government laboratory or other such facility
specified in the contract (see 6.2).
4.4.2 Temperature conditioning for ballistic test. The sample shall be temperature conditioned and tested
to determine compliance with The sample for firing shall be conditioned to table III.
TABLE III. Temperature conditioning.
Temperature (F)
Not vibrated
60 to 70
65 to 75
195 to 205
4.4.3 First article failure. Failure of the sample to comply with the requirements of the drawings and
specifications shall result in first article sample disapproval.
4.5 Quality conformance inspection.
4.5.1 Lot. Submission of product. The product shall be submitted in accordance with MIL-STD-105. Lot size. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), the production lot size shall be not more than 1200.
4.5.2 Examination and tests. The quality conformance sample shall be subjected to the examinations of 4.6
and all the test procedures of 4.7 except for 4.7.4.
4.6 Examination. All delay elements and components shall be examined visually and radiographically and
characteristics defined in accordance with the applicable drawings. One hundred percent examination shall
be performed for all critical defects. Examination for major or minor defects shall be performed on a defect
basis in accordance with the classification of defects. Four power (4X) magnification may be used in
performing visualexamination for such defects as burrs and foreign matter. When compliance is in doubt as
a result of visual inspection, the characteristic shall be measured or gaged to determine acceptability. All
nonconforming items shall be rejected.
4.6.1 Delay Element, M28, Assembly Drawing 10521650.
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