| ![]() MIL-D-63123B(AR)
3.2 Components and Assemblies. The components and assemblies
shall comply with all requirements specified on Drawing 9311434 and
all associated drawings and with all requirements specified in
applicable specifications.
3.3 Functioning. The dispenser assembly, having successfullY
completed burn-in See 4.5.7) shall perform as specified herein.
3.3.1 Power up. The dispenser assembly shall perform as
specified herein when powered up to a voltage of 22.5-30 VDC.
3.3.2 Reset. The dispenser assembly shall reset to the home
position (first firing pulse after reset shall be No. 1 on the
breech plate) when the breech reset button is momentarily depressed
3.3.3 Output. The dispenser assembly, in both the chaff and
flare modes, upon input of thirty (30) dispenser pulses conforming
to Figure 1, shall output 30 firing pulses, in the order indicated
on the breech plate. Each firing pulse shall be 5.0 .75 amperes
DC., for 15 milliseconds minimum duration into a resistive load of
1.0 + 0.1 ohm.
3.3.4 Power loss. In the event that power to the dispenser is
momentarily interrupted, the dispenser assembly shall retain the
location of the next position to be fired in the sequence.
3.3.5 Flare detection signal. In the flare mode, upon flare
ignition, the dispenser assembly shall provide a signal of 6.5 volt
DC. minimum into a resistive load of 330 ohms.
There shall be no stray voltage across a
3.3.6 Stray voltage.
3.0 + 0.5 ohm load between
any of the 30 firing pins and ground when
powered up. (Voltage readings of less
the dispenser assembly is
than 1 volt for less than
3 seconds duration is acceptable).
The dispenser assembly shall
3.4 Environmental requirements.
perform as specified in 3.3 after exposure to the environments
specified herein.
3.4.1 Helicopter vibration. The dispenser assembly shall
Perform all functions satisfactorily after being subjected to the
vibration requirements of MIL-STD-810C, when tested as specified in
4.5.4. The dispenser shall be vibrated along three mutually
perpendicular axes as shown in Figure 2. The payload module shall
be loaded with 30 inert flares for this test.
3.4.2 Transportation vibration. The dispenser assembly shall
perform all functions satisfactorily after being subjected to the
transportation vibration requirements of MIL-STD-810C, when tested
as specified in 4.5.5.
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