| ![]() MIL-D-63370(AR)
3.3 Processing. Level A.
3.3.1 Record Form. Two (2) copies of DD Form 1397 shall be provided.
Information on forms shall include preservation accomplished and
depreservation instructions. The Equipment Log Book Binder and one (1) copy
of DD Form 1397 shall be placed in a bag conforming to Type I, Class B, Style
2 of MIL-B-117, 6 mil thick. Bag shall be closed by heat sealing and secured
in the operators control box storage cabinet. The other copy of DD Form 1397
shall be waterproofed with adhesive conforming to MMM-A-178 and securely
attached to the door of the electrical enclosure.
3.3.2 Repainting. Painted surfaces of the dispenser on which the paint
has been damaged shall be cleaned and repainted in accordance with the
painting requirements of the end item specification (see 6.3).
3.3.3 Preservatives and Atomize Spray Equipment. Preservatives specified
herein, identified by "P" number, shall conform to the applicable
specifications listed in MIL-P-116. When atomize spraying of preservative
oils is specified, equipment shown in Figures 1 and 2, or equivalent, shall be
used. Compressed air supply lines shall be equipped with moisture separators
every 50 feet or fraction thereof.
3.3.4 Disassembly. Maximum reduction in cube shall be effected for
shipment to ports and overseas, or to facilitate loading the maximum number of
dispensers on the common carrier. The four (4) leveling jacks shall be raised
to their highest adjustment and rotated to the stowed position. The locking
pin shall be engaged in each jack. The lower, retractable lunette shall be
moved to the inner positon and secured with locking pin. Four (4) side
reflectors shall be removed, (two (2) from front sides of dispenser and two
(2) from rear sides), and screw, washers, lens and gasket secured to each
reflector housing with tape, PPP-T-42. Reflectors shall be stored in the on
vehicle equipment (OVE) storage box (see 3.3.5).
3.3.5 On Vehicle Equipment (OVE). The on vehicle equipment (OVE) for the
dispenser consists of a spade, fire extinguisher, mine dispenser manual crank,
tire hand crank, four (4) leveling jack hand cranks, an inadvertent mine
prevention pin assembly, two (2) safety chain shackles, and tool kit.
Included in the tool kit is a tools roll, tire gauge, pliers, two (2)
screwdrivers, double-end socket, three (3) wrenches, rawhide mallet and socket
wrench bar. The double-end socket shall be coated with P-19 preservative and
installed in the large round tube located in the OVE cabinet under the
operator's control box storage cabinet. The socket wrench bar shall be coated
with P-19 preservative and installed in the smaller round tube located in the
OVE cabinet. The tire gauge, pliers, screwdrivers, and wrenches shall be
coated with P-19 preservative and individually wrapped in barrier material,
type II, grade A, class 2, MIL-B-121 and secured with tape, PPP-T-42. These
tools shall be packed into the tools roll, the roll folded tightly and
installed on the top shelf inside the operator's control box storage cabinet.
The rawhide mallet shall be installed in the circular tube located on the side
wall inside the operator's control box storage cabinet. The spade, mine
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