| ![]() MIL-D-63516(AR)
3.4 First article inspection. This specification contains technical
provisions for first article inspection. Requirements for the submission of
first article by the contractor shall be as specified in the contract.
3.5 Interchangeability.
Unless otherwise specified on the applicable
drawings, all parts having identical part numbers shall be functionally and
dimensionally interchangeable.
3.6 Workmanship. All parts and assemblies shall be fabricated and
finished in a thorough, workmanlike manner, and all manufacturing, processing,
and assembly operations shall be correctly performed. The parts shall be
clean and free of burrs, sharp edges, cracks, unblended radii, surface
defects, chips, dirt, grease and oil (except where specifically required),
corrosion products, and other foreign matter. The cleaning method used shall
not be injurious to any part or assembly nor shall the parts be contaminated
by the cleaning agents. Exterior surface coatinggs shall be continuous;
however, a few light scratches not exposing base material may be permitted.
All required markings and stamping shall be neat and sharply defined.
(Requires packing shall be dry).
4.1 Responsibility for inspection and standard quality assurance
provisions. Unless otherwise specified herein or in the contract, the
provisions of MIL-W-63150 shall apply and are hereby made a part of this
detail specification.
4.1.1 Submission of product. At the time each completed lot of items
deliverable under the contract is submitted to the Government for acceptance,
the contractor shall supply the following information accompanied by a
certificate which attests that the information provided is correct and
applicable to the product being submitted. (see 6.2)
a. A statement that the lot complies with all of the quality
assurance provisions specified in this specification.
b. Drawing and specification number and date, together with
identification and date of changes thereto.
c. A statement that all material purchased by the contractor meets
requirements, when such material is controlled by Government or commercial
specifications referenced in any of the contractual documents, and that
certificates of conformance are on file and available for review.
Number of items in the lot.
Date submitted.
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