| ![]() MIL-D-63516(AR)
4.6 Interchangeability testing.
4.6.1 Gun drive assembly.
A sample of 3 drive assemblies, randomly
selected from each inspection lot, shall be tested for interchangeaiblity
using the test method specified in 4.6.3. Drive assemblies taken for
interchangeability testing shall have been found satisfactory in all other
examinations and tests. Test frequency may be reduced to not less than one
test of 3 drive assemblies each lot when a record of consistently satisfactory
results has been established. The 3 drive assemblies shall comply with the
applicable specification functioning requirements using the procedures
specified in the applicable specification requirements of acceleration,
steady-state operation and maximum torque, before and after the interchange of
parts. It shall be the responsibility of the agency responsible for the test
to inform the contracting officer by letter or other methods satisfactory to
the contracting officer, when selective assembly has become necessary.
Statement shall contain as a minimum, the contractor's name and FSCM, contract
number, parts involved in the selective fit, conditions of parts and rationale
for action taken. No hand refinement of parts shall be permissible without
approval by the contracting officer. No malfunctions shall be allowed in the
functioning tests. Failure of drive assembly in the interchangeability test
shall cause retest or rejection of the represented lot. At the discretion of
the Government representative, an interchangeability retest may be allowed
without reconditioning the lot. Failure during the retest shall cause
rejection of the represented lot subject to reconditioning and further test as
a reconditioned lot. A sample of 6 drive assemblies from each retest or
reconditioned lot shall be tested using the same procedure described above.
4.6.2 Repair parts. At least 2 parts from each inspection lot of
concurrent repair parts shall be subjected to the interchangeability. test
specified in 4.6.3. Failure of any part to meet the interchangeability
requirements shall be cause for rejection of the represented lot, subject to
reconditioning and further test as a reconditioned lot. A sample consisting
of double the number of parts used in the original test shall be tested from
each reconditioned lot using the test methods specified above.
4.6.3 Test method for interchangeability. Drive assemblies shall be
tested by disassembling and when reassembling the parts specified below.
Parts shall be disassembled from the drives and identical parts placed
together and mixed. Any commercial part (screws, pins, etc) rendered
unserviceable by disassembly shall be replaced without penalty to the
interchangeability test.
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