| ![]() MIL-D-70436(AR)
Quality conformance inspection.
4.4.1 Inspection lot formation. Inspection lots shall comply
with the lot formation provisions of MIL-A-48078. In addition,
inspection lots of detonators shall contain:
a. Parts bearing the same lot interfix number from one
b. Lead azide of the same type from not more than two lots
produced by the same manufacturer, in accordance with the same
specification and same specification revision, which have
subsequently been subjected to uniformly controlled drying and
operating conditions at the loading plant.
RDX from not more than one lot.
d. Primer mixture consisting of batches blended by the same
process. Each batch shall be composed of the same ingredients,
each of which is to be from one interfix lot from one manufacturer.
(See MIL-A-48078). Unless otherwise
4.4.2 Examination.
specified in the classification of defects and test tables,
sampling plans for major and minor defects shall be in accordance
with MIL-STD-105, Inspection Level II. Equipment necessary for
the performance of the inspections listed shall be in accordance
with 4.4.4.
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