| ![]() MIL-D-70436(AR)
4.5 Test methods and procedures.
PRECAUTION - This specification covers sampling and testing of
explosive materials which are potentially hazardous to personnel.
Accordingly, it is emphasized that all applicable safety rules,
regulations and procedures must be followed in handling and
processing these materials.
4.5.1 Materials, Compo nents and processes. Compliance with
all requirements of Section 3 of this specification shall be
ascertained by current and continuing examination of inspection
and test data to determine that all components (parts,
subassemblies, and materials) have been inspected and tested and
found to comply with their respective drawing and specification
requirements, and that all specified manufacturing processes have
been followed. Visual and mechanical ins pections. The visual,
manual and mechanical inspections and tests shall verify
compliance with the requirements of Section 3 and 5 of this
specification in accordance with 4.4.2 herein and Table I.
4.5.2 Moisture content of lead azide. The moisture content
of the lead azide shall be determined at the time of loading. The
moisture content of the lead azide shall be determined in
accordance with MIL-STD-650, Mehtod 101.5 except, use a two gram
sample,and cover the dish with a sheet of polytetrafluoroethylene.
4.5.3 Moisture content of primer mixture. The moisture
content of the primer mixture shall be determined at the time of
loading. A sample of 2.0 gram shall be selected. The sample
shall be accurately weighed to the nearest milligram and dried to
a constant weight of 60 degree C. plus or minus 5 degrees C., or
in a desiccator containing anhydrous calcium chloride. The loss
of weight shall be calculated as the percentage of moisture as
A = The weight of the sample before drying.
B = The weight of the sample after drying.
4.5.4 Moisture content of RDX. The moisture content of the
RDX shall be determined at the time of loading. The moisture
content of the RDX shall be determined in accordance with
MIL-STD-650, Method 101.5.
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