| ![]() MIL-D-70603 (AR)
4.4.3 Testing. Testing is described in the First Article and
Quality Conformance Inspection Tables.
4.4.4 Inspection equipment. The inspection equipment
required to perform the inspections and tests prescribed in this
specification is identified in the "Paragraph Reference/Inspection
Method" column in the tables starting with paragraph, and
the test method paragraph (See 4.5). The contractor shall submit
for approval inspection equipment designs in accordance with the
terms of the contract. See Section 6 of MIL-A-48078 and 6.2
4.5 Methods of inspe ction.
4.5.1 Moisture content of lead azide. The moisture content
of the lead azide shall be determined in accordance with
MIL-STD-650 Method 101.5 except, use a two gram sample and cover
the dish with a sheet of polytetrafluorothylene. If the moisture
content is in excess of the percentage specified and loading has
not begun, the lot of lead azide shall be rejected. If loading
has begun, action on the unloaded azide shall be as specified
above and all detonators loaded with questionable lead azide shall
be rejected.
4.5.2 Binder-lubricant content of RDX. A sample of 2 ounces
of the RDX and binder-lubricant mixture shall be selected and
tested as specified in,, and If the
total binder-lubricant, calcium resinate or graphite is in excess
of the percentages specified on the applicable drawing and if
loading has not begun, the lot of RDX shall be rejected until
proper corrective action has been accomplished as verified by
performing the test for binder-lubricant content as specified. If
loading has begun, action on the unloaded RDX shall be as
specified above and all detonators loaded with the questionable
RDX shall be rejected. Calcium resinate. An accurately weighed portion of 5
grams of the sample shall be transferred to a tared medium
porosity sintered-glass crucible. The sample shall be extracted
with three 20 milliliter (ml.) portions of chloroform which have
been previously saturated with RDX, maintaining each portion in
contact with the residue for approximately 5 minutes before
applying suction. Any lumps which may persist shall be broken up
by stirring occasionally and the sides of the crucible washed down
with each 20 ml. portion of chloroform to insure complete removal
of the calcium resinate. The residue shall be aspirated until the
odor of chloroform is no longer detectable; the crucible and
contents shall be placed in a drying oven at 95-105C. for 1/2
hour, cooled in a desiccator and weighed. The above extraction
shall be repeated, drying and weighing with individual 20 ml.
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