| ![]() MIL-D-70789A (AR)
mission for the DRU to perform as specified herein. During the
performance of missions, the odometer scale factor may experience
long and short term variations from the-nominal value resulting
from changes in vehicle tire pressure, loading, wheel/track
slippage, vehicle turns, and from terrain conditions. While the
DRU to vehicle chassis alignment is usually stable within a
survey leg, it may vary from one leg to the next because of
equipment variations such as antennae being raised and stowed.
Short term variations in DRU to direction of travel alignment may
result from vehicle movement such as turning or crabbing. Orientation. The DRU shall provide vehicle
orientation attitudes (Vehicle Grid Azimuth or Geodetic Azimuth,
Vehicle Pitch, Vehicle Roll or Cant) and pointing device
orientation attitudes (Pointing Device Grid Azimuth or Geodetic
Azimuth, Pointing Device Pitch, Pointing Device Roll or Cant).
The DRU shall output Geodetic Azimuth when the Configuration
Definition Flag for azimuth is set (, and Grid Azimuth
when the flag is reset. The DRU shall output Vehicle Roll when
the Configuration Definition Flag For Vehicle cant/roll is set
(, and Vehicle Cant when the flag is reset.
The DRU may be mounted to any part of a prime system needing
orientation data.
the prime system pointing device and vehicle coordinate frames.
The nominal values of the vehicle and pointing device boresight
angles shall be defined for a particular installation/vehicle by
configuration data ( and
The orientation attitudes may be used for navigation during the
travel phase of a mission; emplacement of a prime system upon
arrival at a site; precise orientation of a pointing device
during deployment; and automatic stowing of the pointing device.
The pointing device, on which the DRU is mounted, may be
elevated/rotated from its normal travel lock position during
deployment as antennae are erected, weapons aimed, etc. The DRU
shall be capable of Normal Align after being elevated/rotated
from its normal travel position and shall continue to provide
precise orientation data after prime system operations such as
radar activation or weapon firing. Alternate DRU orientation. The DRU shall
provide the capability of transitioning between a prime system
specific primary orientation (Orientation 1) and a prime system
specific alternate (secondary) orientation (Orientation 2).
Orientation 1 shall be defined by: a DRU Coordinate Frane code,
vehicle boresight angles, pointing device boresight angles, and
position offset distances. Orientation 2 shall be defined by:
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