| ![]() MIL-D-70789A (AR)
Set bit 4 of STATUS character S2.
d. Automatically enter the Odometer Mode, reset bit 3 of
STATUS character S1, and use VMS data if the Configuration Defi-
nition Flag for Odometer/Exclusive ZUPT Mode is set (
Reset bit 0 of ALERT DATA character D3 (if it has not
already been reset).
If neither the Travel Lock Discrete nor Travel Lock Commands.
Configuration Flag is set, the DRU shall assume the pointing
device is always in travel lock.
3.5.6 Shot detect. The DRU shall detect gun firing if the
Configuration Deflatlon Flag for shot detect ( is set.
Upon detection of gunfire, the DRU shall set bit 3 of STATUS
character S2. At the completion of the Shot Detect Interval
(, the DRU shall reset bit 3 of STATUS character S2 and
update travel lock references for vehicle rotations which have
occurred during gun firing. In making the updates, the DRU shall
assume that the DRU and vehicle chassis are rigidly coupled and
that the vehicle chassis does not move when the qun is out of
travel lock except during gun firing.
3.5.7 Position updates. The DRU shall accept position
updates while the vehicle is stationary upon receipt of an ACCEPT
POSITION or ACCEPT GEODETIC DATA command on the data bus. The
position data may be entered into the prime system manually or
automatically from an externally referenced positioning system
connected to the prime system computer. If the criteria for
acceptance of data entry of input parameters have been met, the
DRU shall accept updates in any of the following groupings and
When using an ACCEPT POSITION Ccmmand, operating in the Universal
Transverse Mercator Grid and the BCU Parameters-Configuration
Flag is reset:
DRU Hemisphere, DRU zone, DRU spheroid, BCU
Hemisphere, BCU Zone (Normal/Extended Zone Designation),
northing, casting, and altitude either in terms of the normal
zone or extended zone, but only during the first 3.5 minutes of
Normal Align.
DRU Hemisphere, DRU zone, BCU Hemisphere, BCU Zone
(Normal/Extended Zone Designation), northing, casting, and
altitude either in terms of the normal zone or extended zone.
DRU Hemisphere, DRU zone, BCU Zone (Normal/Extended
Zone Designation), northing, and casting either in terms of the
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