| ![]() MIL-D-70789A (AR)
Expanded alerts. When set, the DRU shall issue
expanded ALERT DATA (D1-D6) in the ALERT DATA message. When
reset the DRU shall return short ALERT data (D1-D5) in the ALERT
DATA message.
If the Configuration Definition Present flag ( is reset,
the DRU shall return short ALERT data (D1-D5) in the ALERT DATA
Pointing device cant/roll. When set the DRU shall
output Pointing Device roll. When reset the DRU shall output
Pointing Device cant.
Orientation 2 based on travel lock. When set, the
DRU shall transition between Orientation 1 and Orientation 2 with
respect to travel lock state. Travel lock state may be
determined by either the travel lock discrete signal or receipt
of travel lock designation commands via the serial data bus.
While in travel lock, the DRU shall align itself and operate as
defined by the Orientation 1: Coordinate Grame code, vehicle and
pointing device boresight angles, and position offset distances.
When out of travel lock, the DRU shall align itself and operate
as defined by the Orientation 2: Coordinate Frame code, Pointing
Device boresight angles, and position offset distances.
When an out-of-travel-lock condition is detected, the DRU shall
freeze the vehicle attitude and travel lock pointing device
reference values in terms of Orientation 1 and transition to
Orientation 2. Once transition is complete, the DRU shall store
the travel lock pointing device reference values in terms of
Orientation 2.
When reset, the DRU shall not change orientations based on travel
lock state.
Orientation 1 - 2 based on Pointing device
pitch/roll. This flag, used in conjunction with the "Orientation
2 Based on Pointing Device Attitude" and "Orientation 1 to
Orientation 2 Direction of Traverse" flags, selects the angle
that the DRU is to monitor in determining when it is to
transition from Orientation 1 to Orientation 2.
When set, the DRU shall transition from Orientation 1 to
Orientation 2 when the pointing device pitch, based on
Orientation 1, crosses the 1-2 Threshold Angle in the direction
specified by the 1-2 Direction of Traverse Flag.
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