| ![]() MIL-D-70789A (AR)
The designated zone identifies the zone whose boundaries shall be
extended 100 km into each adjacent zone ( When the DRU
crosses an extended zone boundary, the DRU shall automatically
reference UTM coordinates and grid azimuths in terms of the
normal hemisphere and normal zone in which it is located and set
bit 3 of ALERT DATA character D6.
If the Configuration Definition Flag for Azimuth ( is
reset, pointing device grid azimuths, vehicle grid azimuths, and
travel lock grid azimuth references in messages shall be in terms
of the extended zone. If the Configuration Definition Flag for
Azimuth is set, all azimuths in messages shall be geodetic.
3.6 Performance.
3.6.1 General. Unless otherwise specified, values set forth
to establish the requirements for performance apply to
performance under any and all combinations of conditions and
environments as specified herein. Accuracv.
Coordinate and reference frame
transformation computations shall introduce no more than 0.1
meter position error and 0.01 mil orientation error.
Azimuth, Pitch, Roll, and Angular Rate accuracy requirements
stated herein shall be met at any specified temperatures.
Azimuth, Pitch and Roll accuracy requirements stated herein shall
be met at any DRU case orientation.
Azimuth accuracies specified in shall be met when
operating at any latitude within the range of 65 south to 65
north. When operating in latitude ranges of 65 to 75 south or
north, azimuth accuracies shall degrade no more than a factor of
0.42262 secant latitude.
Position accuracies stated herein shall be met at any specified
temperatures. The position accuracy requirements specified
herein apply when the DRU is aligned as specified in
and and when the following conditions are applicable:
a. A position update is performed after Normal Align was
completed at more than one vehicle stop.
b. A position update is performed after Normal Align was
completed when travel time between vehicle stops exceeded four
Position accuracies stated in and shall be
met when operating at any latitude within the range of 75 north
to 75 south.
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