| ![]() MIL-D-70789A (AR)
Azimuth accuracy during survey. After
completing a Normal Align and operating in the Odometer mode with
only one zero-velocity update per hour, the Pointing Device Grid
or Geodetic Azimuth error shall not exceed 0.97 mil PE for
missions up to 24 hours in duration. No more than 1.0 percent of
the absolute value of Pointing Device Grid or Geodetic Azimuth
errors shall exceed 3.8 roils for missions up to 24 hours in
The specification in shall also apply when operating
in the Exclusive ZUPT Mode with zero-velocity updates at 4 minute
or less intervals. Pitch. After completing Normal Align or after
completing Stored Heading Align and thereafter throughout the
mission, Pointing Device Pitch error shall not exceed 0.34 mil
PE. No more than 1.0 percent of the absolute value of Pointing
Device Pitch errors shall exceed 1.3 roils.
When the DRU is mounted and aligned to a Pointing Device; vehicle
pitch is an approximation without accuracy specifications. Roll/cant. After completing Noqmal Align or
after completing Stored Heading Align and thereafter throughout
the mission, Pointing Device Roll/Cant error shall not exceed
0.34 mil PE. No more than 1.0 percent of the absolute value of
Pointing Device Roll/Cant errors shall exceed 1.3 roils.
When the DRU is mounted and aligned to a Pointing Device; vehicle
roll/cant is an approximation without accuracy specifications. Angular rates. After completing Normal Align or
Stored Heading Align and thereafter throughout the mission,
Pointing Device Grid or Geodetic Azimuth rate, Pitch rate, and
Roll rate errors shall not exceed 0.5 mil per second RMS for
rates in the range of -356 to +356 roils per second. Nonlinearity
shall not exceed 1 percent.
Within the angular rate ranges of -3276.8 to -356 and +356 to
+3276.8 roils per second, the error shall not exceed 2.5 percent
of the instantaneous rate RMS. Data Staleness. Data staleness is the delay
between the time the DRU data is "valid" and the time
transmission of the message, containing that data, is completed.
Data staleness shall not exceed the maximum response time
specified for each message in Table IV. See 6.8.3 for a
description of data staleness.
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