| ![]() MIL-D-70789A (AR) Transportation. The DRU shall not be damaged and
shall operate during and after shock test as specified in
MIL-STD-810. Method 516.3, Procedure I, with a 40g shock pulse of
6-9 milliseconds duration.
Bench handling. The DRU shall not be damaged and
shall operate after being subjected to Procedure VI of Method
516.3 Of MIL-STD-810.
Vibration. The DRU shall operate and not be damaged
while being subjected to the vibration environment of the M109
Howitzer, M113 Armored Personnel Carrier, High Mobility
Multi-purpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV) and Commerical Utility
Cargo Vehicle (CUCV) traveling over all types of roads and
cross-country terrain. The vibration environment for the M109
and M113 shall be as described in TECOM Reports, No. 87-LR(V)-2,
Road Shock and Vibration Test of M109E4 Howitzer, and No-
87-LR(R)-1, Road Shock and Vibration Test of MAPS Hardware in
M113A1. The DRU is trunnion mounted in the M109 and side-wall
mounted in the M113. Inquiries concerning the mounting details
should be directed to the procuring activity. Figures 15 through
17 were extracted from the M113 Test Report and provide an
example of the vibration environment on paved road at 34 miles
per hour. Environmental strss Screening (ESS) - vibration.
The DRU shall be subjected to random vibration at the minimum
Power Spectral Density envelope shown in Figure 18 for 10 minutes
in each of three orthogonal axes. The DRU shall be operating
while being subjected to random vibration. At the conclusion of
the last 10 minute random vibration on the third axis, the power
to the DRU shall be cycled off and on and BIT performed.
3.7.13 Electromametic compatibility. The DRU shall meet
the requirements for electromagnetic compatibility per
MIL-STD-461, MIL-STD-462 and MIL-STD-463. The DRU shall meet the
requirements of MIL-E-6051 for compatibility with the total
system. In addition, the DRU shall experience no degradation in
attitude reference under a 3 gauss magnetic field oriented
vertically and in turn, horizontally.
3.7.14 Electromagnetic interference. The DRU shall meet all
emission and susceptibility characteristics as established by
MIL-STD-461, MIL-STD-462, and MIL-STD-463 for Class A3 equipments
and subsystems. The DRU shall meet all applicable requirements
for the following: CE01, CE03, CS01, CS02, CS06, RE02, RS01,
RS02, and RS03. Field strengths for RS03 shall be:
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