| ![]() MIL-D-70789A (AR)
Only the specified mating connectors or cover (J3) are permitted
to cover connectors. Failure to operate as specified or evidence
of damage or leakage shall constitute failure of the test. The
DRU shall pass the requirements of 3.7.7. Salt fog. Salt Fog tests shall be performed on
the DRU in accordance with MIL-STD-810, Method 509.2 using the
conditions specified in 3.7.8. Subject the DRU to three cycles
of testing. A cycle consists of exposure to the salt fog for
twenty four hours, followed by twenty four hours of drying out at
room temperature. Perform a simulated survey mission during the
last hour of each of the three drying out cycles. Fungus. Fungus tests shall be performed on the
DRU in accordance with MIL-STD-810, Method 508.3, for a period of
90 days. The DRU shall meet the requirements specified in 3.7.9. Shock. Transportation. Shock tests shall be performed
on the DRU in accordance with MIL-STD-810, Method 516.3 Procedure
I and paragraph Peak Amplitude shall be 40g with a
time duration of 6-9 msec. The DRU shall be operating in the
Survey Mode when the shock pulses are applied. Run a one hour
simulated survey mission after the six shock pulses have been
applied to each axis. Bench handling. Bench Handling tests shall be
performed on the DRU in accordance with MIL-STD-810, Method
516.3, Procedure VI and Vibration. Vibration tests shall be performed on
the DRU in accordance with MIL-STD-810, Method 514.3, Category 8,
Procedure I. The DRU shall be subjected to a series of vibration
profiles which are contained in Appendix G. Appendix G contains
five vibration profiles for the DRU vertical axis
(V01 -
V05), five for the DRU transverse axis
(T01 - T05) and five
for the longitudinal axis
(L01 - L05). All these profiles
depict the DRU mounted on the M109. The DRU shall be subjected
to a 54-minute vibration test using each of the vibration
profiles. The total test time for each axis shall be 270
minutes. The total test time for the three axes shall be 810
minutes. During exposure periods the DRU shall be operating in
the Survey Mode and ZUPTs shall not be performed. The procedure
for verification of the performance (accuracy) criteria shall be
detailed in the government approved test procedures. The DRU
shall meet the requirements of 3.7.11.
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