| ![]() MIL-D-70789A (AR) Action taken in event of an equipment failure.
When a failure occurs, or whenever it becomes evident that the
DRU will not meet a specified requirement, or will not pass a
test, the testing shall be stopped. Failure action as defined in
MIL-STD-781 shall be followed and augmented as follows.
Occurrence of a pattern failure or design or software induced
failure shall be a reject condition. When a reject condition has
been reached, the contractor shall submit a plan for corrective
action, validation of corrective action, and resumption of
reliability testing for government approval. Maintainability. Maintenance operations required
during the Reliability Demonstration specified in shall
be accomplished to determine conformance to 3.6.4. In the event
that the maintenance operations performed are insufficient to
quantitatively assess the corrective maintenance specified in, the government shall perform or simulate additional
maintenance tasks as required to complete the-assessment.
Failure to maintain the DRU as specified in 3.6.4 shall
constitute failure of this test. Performance demonstration. The government may test
the DRU for compliance to any of the criteria and characteristics
as specified in 3.5, 3.6, 3.8 and 3.10, including accuracy at
high latitudes and tolerance to gun firing shock. Actual or
simulated installation conditions, environments, and operational
Failure of the DRU to perform as
scenarios may be used.
specified shall constitute failure of the test.
4.8.7 Design verification. The DRU shall be tested to
verify conformance to the design requirements specified in 3.5,
The design characteristics to be verified
3.6, 3.8 and 3.10.
shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
a. Alignment characteristics (,,
3.6.l.l.9.1 and Normal Align gyrocompassing tests
over the specified operating temperatures with the DRU oriented
at each of the cardinal headings. The DRU shall be turned off
for 1 hour between gyrocompasses for tests performed at -50 F at
each of the cardinal headings.
c. Insensitivity to odometer calibration and alignment
of DRU case to direction of travel (
Power source sensitivity, protection, and power
consumption (
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