| ![]() MIL-D-70789A (AR) Neutron Fluence. The equipment shall be exposed
in such a manner that all optical components, electronic
pieceparts and circuits receive the specified Neutron Fluence.
The equipment shall be energized, if appropriate to examine worst
case response. The equipment shall perform as specified in 3. Total dose. The equipment shall be exposed in
such a manner that all optical components, electronic pieceparts,
and circuits receive the Total Dose specified. The equipment
shall be energized during exposure and shall then perform as
specified in 3. Except for the fiber optics and n-channel
metal-oxide semiconductor (NMOS), verification of device hardness
against permanent damage from gamma ray dose may be achieved by
the gamma output which nomally accompanies the Neutron Flaaence.
Gamma dose hardness of fiber optics and NMOS devices must be
verified by Cobalt-60 irradiation in which the Total Dose
specified is delivered in a steady-state exposure on the order of
20 seconds duration. Peak Gamma dose rate. The equipment shall be
exposed in such a manner that all optical components, electronic
pieceparts, and circuits receive the Peak Gamma Dose specified.
The equipment shall be energized during exposure and shall then
perform as specified in 3. Thermal radiation. The equipment in its intended
deployment configuration(s), which are worst case(s) for the
nuclear thermal and air-blast environments, shall be subjected to
thermal radiation tests at appropriate thermal radiation levels
over the entire exposed surface(s) of the equipment. In
instances where only thermal radiation facilities that can be
used provide these specified levels over only relatively small
areas of the equipments surfaces, individual exposures will be
required for each of the candidate surface and outboarded items
(e.g., case, meters, knobs, antennas, cables) to ensure the
thermal radiation survivability of the equipment. In such
instances, thermal radiation tests of selected material samples
(of the surfaces and items) may be appropriate. Following the
thermal radiation tests, the equipment shall then meet the
performance requirements stipulated in Section 3. Nuclear air blast. The equipment in its intended
deployment configuration(s) which are worst case(s) for nuclear
thermal and air-blast environments, shall be subjected to
air-blast tests at the appropriate air-blast simulation
facilities that provide the specified air-blast levels. The
equipment air-blast sensitivity(ies) as determined through
appropriate analyses, drive the selection of the simulation
environments to be used. The selected air-blast simulator(s) must
be capable of providing the specified air-blast threat
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