| MIL-D-70789A (AR)
of an OUT OF TRAVEL LOCK command or discrete and until receipt of
an IN TRAVEL LOCK command or discrete, Vehicle Geodetic or Grid
Azimuth is frozen and equals the last value prior to receipt of
the OUT OF TRAVEL LOCK command or discrete.
6.7.6 Vehicle Pitch. Vehicle Pitch is the vertical angle
between the projection of the longitudinal axis of the vehicle on
the horizontal plane and the axis. Vehicle Pitch is positive when
the axis in the direction of travel lies above the horizontal
On receipt of an OUT OF TRAVEL
plane and negative when below.
LOCK command or discrete and until receipt of an IN TRAVEL LOCK
command or discrete, Vehicle Pitch is frozen and equals the last
value prior to receipt of the OUT OF TRAVEL LOCK command or
6.7.7 Vehicle roll. Vehicle Roll is the angle between the
horizontal plane and the vehicle cross axis immediately clockwise
from the direction of travel measured in a plane normal to the
vehicle longitudinal axis. Vehicle Roll is positive when the
cross axis lies below the horizontal plane and negative when
above. On receipt of an OUT OF TRAVEL LOCK command or discrete
and until receipt of an IN TRAVEL LOCK command, Vehicle Roll is
frozen and equals the last value prior to receipt of the OUT OF
TRAVEL LOCK command or discrete.
Vehicle Cant is the vertical angle
6.7.8 Vehicle can t
between the vehicle cross axis immediately clockwise from the
direction of travel and the projection of that cross axis on the
horizontal plane. Vehicle Cant is positive when the cross axis
lies below the horizontal plane and negative when above. Vehicle
Cant = sinl [sin (Vehicle Roll) x cos (Vehicle Pitch)]. on
receipt of an OUT OF TRAVEL LOCK command or discrete and until
receipt of an IN TRAVEL LOCK command or discrete, Vehicle Cant is
frozen and equals the last value prior to receipt of an OUT OF
TRAVEL LOCK command or discrete.
6.7.9 Travel lock Pointinq device geodetic azimuth or grid
When the pointing device is in travel lock,
azimuth Reference
Travel Lock Geodetic Azimuth or Grid Azimuth Reference equals the
present Pointing Device Geodetic Azimuth or Grid Azimuth. When
the pointing device is out of travel lock, Travel Lock Geodetic
Azimuth or Grid Azimuth Reference equals the value of Pointing
Device Geodetic Azimuth or Grid Azimuth when the pointing device
was last in travel lock. In the case where the pointing device
is a weapon, the reference is corrected for any vehicle chassis
in motion resulting from weapon firing.
6.7.10 Travel lock pointing device pitch reference. When
the pointing device is in travel lock, Travel Lock Pitch
Reference equals the present Pointing Device Pitch. When the
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