| ![]() MIL-D-70789A (AR)
RMS error. RMS error is the square root of the
mean of the sum of the squared errorsrelative to the reference
value(s), for all measurements in the sample population. RMS
error shall be computed as follows:
N is the total number of measurements in the sample.
Xi is the error in the i'th measurement with respect to the
reference value.
X1 = ml - M1 for linear or angular errors.
X 1 = 100 m
S1 - S
Xi = (m, - Mt) - (m - M) for drift errors.
T 1 - T0
mf is the i'th measurement in the sample. (m0 is the
initial measurement)
M1 is the reference value associated with the i'th
S 1 - S0 is the odometer distance traveled since the last
position update.
T 1 - T0 is the travel time since the last alignment.
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