| ![]() MIL-D-81347C(AS)
The contractor shall provide Integration Test Specifications for
each subunit (excluding power supplies) of the DPS.
The Integration Test Specifications shall be submitted to the
Procuring Agency for approval.
System Test Program
The System Test Program shall utilize the computer for on-line
fault detection and isolation of the DPS subunits and associated peripherals. The System Test program
shall be divided into the following sections:
(1) System GO/NO-GO Tests (SYGNOG)
(2) Diagnostic Test
System GO/NO-Go Tests (SYGNOG)
The SYGNOG tests shall utilize the computer for a GO/NO-GO
check of each subunit. The SYGNOG test shall test every logic element of the subunit in so far as
possible. The only limitations imposed on the test will be those required for safety. The operator
shall be the initiator of the test and will be available for visual monitoring of faults (which the com-
puter cannot detect ) and the activating of those computer inputs which require manual operation. The
contractor shall provide a SYGNOG test specification for each subunit of the DPS.
The SYGNOG test shall be documented in accordance with
WS-8506. The primary purpose of the SYGNOG test shall be to detect the presence of faults and
reform the operator of operational readiness of the subunit under test. The SYGNOG test for each
DPS subunit shall include the associated peripheral to which the DPS subunit interfaces.
The SYGNOG test documentation shall be submitted to the Pro-
curing Agent y for approval.
Diagnostic Tests
The Diagnostic Program shall utilize the computer to diagnose
equipment malfunctions for each subunit of the DPS (excluding power supply and Maintenance Control -
Panel subunits). The Diagnostic Program shall be capable of delineating any subunit failure to such
a level that any further isolation and replacement of the failed module may be accomplished in 15
minutes or less for 50% of such failures and in 30 minutes or less for 95% of such failures. To the
extent permitted by the characteristics of the subunit, the Diagnostic Program shall satisfy the
following requirements:
(1) Comprehensive - Every logical element shall be tested in
all of its functions within the limits of the Diagnostic Hardware constraint.
(2) Automatic - Operator intervention shall be held to a minimum.
To satisfy this requirement, test loops should be included in the design of those subunits which re-
ceive data from and transmit data to the computer. The Test Loops shall permit the computer to
selectively monitor the performance of the logic elements in the subunit for the purposes of fault
detection and isolation. The criterion to be used in the design of the Test Loops is as follows: The
amount of hardware for the Test Loops shall not exceed 15% of the total hardware for the unit. A
computer input channel shall be assigned to Logic Unit 3 for monitoring of the test loops by the Diag-
nostic Programs. The Diagnostic specifications module for each subunit of the DPS shall include the
peripheral equipment to which it interfaces.
The Diagnostic Program specifications for each subunit of the
DPS shall be in accordance with WS-8506 and shall be submitted to the Procuring Agent y for approval.
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