| ![]() MIL-D-81347C(AS)
(3) Armament Output Logic - The Armament Output Logic shall
provide the capability for the computer program to select, arm, and release torpedoes, conventional
and nuclear depth charges, rockets and mines, either individually or in salvo.
(4) Ordnance Output Logic - The Ordnance Output Logic shall
provide the capability for the computer program to select and launch sonobuoys, explosive sound
sources, and smoke markers at the appropriate time with the required accuracy and launch rates.
(5) Navigation Multiplexer (NM) - The NM provides an interface
between the Inertial Platform and the Doppler to the computer.
Logic Unit 3 Functions - The subunits of Logic Unit 3 shall
perform the following system functions:
(1) Multipurpose Display (MPD) Logic -The MPD Logic shall
display tactical data, and comes under computer control in such away that the tactical plot of the
ASW situation may be presented on the MPD. Furthermore, Scan Converted Radar data may bepre-
sented on the MPD in conjunction with the tactical plot. The second Scan Converter is provided for
future sensor equipments.
(2) Pilot Display Interface Logic -The Pilot Display interface
Logic, under computer command, shall provide timing, control, deflection and video signals to con-
trol the presentation of tactical data on the Pilot Display. The tactical data shall consist of the air-
craft symbol with track vector, fly-to-points, vectors, circles, flashing symbols, tabular information
and the entire alphanumeric repertoire as required.
(3) Function Generator Logic - The Function Generator shall
accept digital inputs that describe ellipses, circles and straight lines, process this data and generate
the appropriate analog sine wave and unblank signal outputs to a CRT display system so as to cause
ellipses, circles or straight lines to be displayed.
(4) Master Timing Logic - The Master Timing Logic (MTL) shall
provide the timing and control signal necessary to "'line-lock" (sync) all display operations to the air-
craft's 400 Hz power source. The MTL shall receive signals from MPD 1 Logic and MPD 2 Logic;
and transmit signals to the MPD 1, MPD 1 Logic, MPD 2, MPD 2 Logic, Radar Interface Unit, Spare
Scan Converter, Pilot Display Logic and Low Light Level TV.
Logic Unit 4 Functions - The subunits of Logic Unit 4 shall per-
form the following system functions:
(1) Data Multiplexer Subunit - The eight channel Data Multiplexer
Subunit (DMS) is a digital interface unit capable of servicing eight peripheral equipments (one at a time)
with input/output channel capability from a single computer channel.
(2) Auxiliary Display Logic - The Auxiliary Display Control
Logic (ADL) under computer command (via DMS Output Charnel 2) shall provide timing, control de-
flection and video signals to control the presentation of functional data on a display at Sensor Stations
1and 2.
(3) Drum Auxiliary Memory Subunit - The Drum Auxiliary Mem-
ory Subunit (DAMS) shall provide rapid access and transfer of computer program segments. The
DAMS shall also provide for rapid storage of computer data for purposes such as program recovery.
The DAMS shall be functionally independent of all other subunits of Logic Unit 4 with the exception of
the Maintenance Control Panel Subunit.
(4) Spare Computer Channel Subunit - Logic Unit 4 shall provide
for an interface designated as Spare Computer Channel. Logic Unit 4 shall provide one input and one
output connector compatible with full computer I/O capability for the spare channel.
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