| ![]() MIL-D-81347C(AS)
in succession, PRO's 7 through 9 will display the last three numeric switches depressed. The nu-
merics will be displayed on the PRO's until the operator indicates to the computer, by use of the
keyboard control switches (30-32), that the number is to be processed or ignored. If the operator has
only entered one or two numerics prior to the depression of a keyboard control switch, the computer
program will consider the more significant numeric(s) to be zero(es).
(4) Monofunction Switches - The switches labeled 17 through 19
and 30 through 37 are termed Monofunction switches. Each of the Monofunction switches represents
one and only one function. Depression of one of these switches results in the computer implementing
the function indicated by the legend on the depressed switch. The computer program may provide
colored background lighting for all the Monofunction switches with the exception of switches 30 - 32.
The ccmputer program will utilize this lighting capability to indicate when a function is active; i.e. ,
a colored background indicates an active function. The computer may illuminate or extinguish a
colored background on each of four Monofunction switches by transmitting an appropriately coded
output word to the UKL via the DOM. Depending upon the coded word, the UKL will selectively set or
reset each of four flip-flops; each flip-flop controls the illumination of one of the Monofunction switches
The Projection Readout Devices (PRO's) 1 through 6 are used to
display amplifying information or cueing type messages to the operator. The message on each of the
PRO's is selected by the computer program. The program may select a message to be displayed on a
PRO by transmitting an output word to the UKL via the DOM. The word will identify the PRO and.
contain the 4-bit message select code. The UKL will store the message select code.
General Description - The UKL shall provide:
(1) The encoding and transmission of data from a Universal
Keyset to the computer.
(2) The decoding and storage of data from the computer to the
Universal Keyset.
Operating Requirements - The UKL shall detect the depression of
any switch on the Universal Keyset and transmit a code identifying the depressed switch to the com-
puter via the DIM. The operator shall not have two switches depressed at the same time.
The UKL shall interpret the computer output word received from
the DOM and perform one of the following operations:
(1) Store the four bits of the computer word which specify the
combination of function messages to be displayed on the Matrix Readout switches and the Matrix Select
switch to be lit. This four bit code shall be supplied to the Universal Keyset.
(2) Store the four bits of the computer word which specify the
message to be displayed on one of the PRO's, in the appropriate storage location. There shall be a
distinct storage location for each of the nine PRO's. The nine sets of four bit selection code lines shall -
be supplied to the Universal Keyset.
(3) Selectively set or reset each of four flip-flops. Each flip-
flop controls the illumination of a colored background on a computer lit Monofunction switch. An
output from each of the flip-flops shall be supplied to the Universal Keyset.
(4) Selectively set or reset each of four flip-flops. Each flip-
flop controls the illumination of a colored background on a computer lit Monofunction switch not con-
trolled by (3). An output from each of the flip-flops shall be supplied to the Universal Key set.
(5) Selectively set or reset each of four flip-flops. Each flip-
flop controls the illumination of a colored background message on a Matrix Readout switch. An output
from each of the flip-flops shall be supplied to the Universal Keyset.
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