| ![]() MIL-D-81347C(AS)
Sono Receiver Logic
Functional Description- All acoustic processors in the system
receive their signals from the AN/ARR-72 sonobuoy receiver. The AN/ARR-72 is a 31 Channel, VHF,
fixed tuned FM receiver. There are 19 processor and 1 Light Off Detector (LOD) channels that use
sonobuoy data. These 20 channels can independently select any one of the 31 outputs from the RF re-
ceivers. Control for channel selection is accomplished in a 31 x 20 solid state matrix located in the
Audio Matrix portion of the sonobuoy receiver. There are two modes of control as follows:
(1) Computer control via the SRL portion of the DPS.
(2) Manual control by acoustic sensor station operators.
The Sono Receiver Logic (SRL) shall upon command from the
computer, provide channel selection control for all processor channels (20). In addition, when com-
manded by the computer, the SRL shall provide mode of operation control to the Sonobuoy Receiver
group, allowing either Manual channel selection from the receiver control indicator panels or Auto
channel selection.
The SRL shall be capable of monitoring Sonobuoy mode of oper-
ation, either Manual or Auto, and the RF channel selected for each processor and transmitting this
information to the computer.
The SRL shall be capable of monitoring RF Level data from the
Sonobuoy Receiver group and transmitting this data to the computer.
Upon receipt of a Forced Manual command from the Sonobuoy
Receiver group, the SRL shall remove computer commanded control data from the receiver group but
shall continue to monitor both mode and channel selection in the Sono Receiver. All computer com-
mands shall be withheld from the Sono Receiver until such time as the Forced Manual control signal is
The receiver group control mode is to be by processor paws, i.e.,
Auto, Manual or Forced Manual Mode can be established for any pre-determined pair of processor
channels without affecting the mode of any other processor channels.
Operating Requirements
Computer Interface - The SRL shall function as a computer input-
output interface device. Because of its low data rate, all data to and from the computer shall be via the
Digital Input/Output Multiplexer.
Output - Data output from the computer via the Digital Output
Multiplexer (DOM) shall determine the following functions:
(1) Selection of tuning mode, either manual or computer (auto-
matic) for Sonobuoy Receiver, Processor channel pairs.
(2) Selection of RF receivers (1 through 31) for application to
acoustic processor channels.
(3) Selection of acoustic processor channel to which RF receiver
selection codes are to be applied.
(4) Selection of SRL input data to the computer.
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