| ![]() MIL-D-81347C(AS)
Two Address Lines- Two Address lines, indicating that the ad-
dress of given MTT is to be as manually selected from Logic Unit 2 shall be transmitted to each
MTT. Only one Address line shall be a logical "1" at any one time and shall remain active until
some manual intervention occurs.
Interlock - Two interlock lines shall be provided to the MTT.
Continuity shall exist between the two lines only while MTC power is turned on and the MTC subas-
sembly which provides motion commands to the MTT is in its normal operating position.
MTT Test Enables (Five Lines) - When an `MTT Test Enable Line
is a logic "1" that test mode shall be enabled.
Magnetic Tape Transport to Magnetic Tape Control
(1) All communications between the MTT and the MTC shall be
via twisted pairs and data line driver/input amplifier combinations, unless otherwise noted. (See
Appendix II for Input Amplifier Specifications. )
(2) A logical "1" shall be 0 +0.5 -0.0 volts and a logical "0"
shall be plus 4 1 volts, unless otherwise noted.
(3) The MTC shall gate all signals with the select line, unless
otherwise noted.
Seven Data Lines - Seven Data lines, indicating the information
read from the tape, shall be transmitted from each MTT to the MTC.
Data Strobe - A Data Strobe line, indicating valid data to the MTC,
shall be transmitted from each MTT to the MTC. The Data Strobe shall be a 2.0 microsecond (min. )
pulse; the data lines shall remain stable for the duration of pulse and for 2 microseconds after the
Data Strobe pulse.
Select Acknowledge - One Select Acknowledge line, indicating
that the MTT has recognized the Select Line, shall be transmitted from each MTT to the MTC. The
Select Acknowledge line shall be a logical "1" as long as the MTT is selected. If two cables are used
for the MTC/MTT interface, the Select signal and the Select Acknowledge signal shall not be in the
same cable.
Load Point - One Load Point line, indicating that the tape is at
the load point, shall be transmitted from each MTT to the MTC. The Load Point line shall be a logical
"1" as long as the "tape is at load point. The MTC shall not gate this signal line with the Select line
except when used for Satus Word.
End of tape Warning - One End of Tape Warning, indicating that
the tape marker has passed the end of tape sensor, shall be transmitted from each MTT to the MTC.
Ready - One Ready line, indicating that the MTT is not in a fault
condition, shall be transmitted from each MTT to the MTC. The Ready line shall be a logical "1"
as long as the MTT is in the Ready condition. The MTC shall not gate this signal line with the Select
line except when used for Status Word.
Rewinding - One Rewinding line, indicating that the tape is re-
winding shall be transmitted from each MTT to the MTC. The Rewinding line shall be a logical "1"
as long as the MTT is rewinding tape.
Write Lockout - One Write Lockout line, indicating that the tape
supply reel does not contain a write permit ring, shall be transmitted from each MTT to the MTC.
The Write Lockout line shall be a logical "1" as long as the supply reel does not contain a write permit
ring. The MTC shall not gate this signal line with the Select line except when used for Status Word.
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