| MIL-D-81347C(AS)
respond with an External Function line, the Identifier word will be transferred into MTC storage and
as the first word is received, it will be compared character by character with the Identifier word. If
the five characters compare, the operation will become identical to the Read operation and the record
will be transferred to the computer. If the first word does not compare, the MTC will wait until the
first word of the following record is received and make the comparison again. The operation will con-
tinue if Normal Completion is not reset until a Find is made or until an End of File is reached.
Search File Reverse - Read Record Forward - This Instruction
will duplicate the Search File Forward Instruction except the direction command to the MTT will be
Reverse and the MTC will make the comparison with the last word read in each record with the char-
acters in the correct order. When a Find is made, the MTC will stop the MTT and the MTC will
initiate a Read Record Forward Instruction.
Loop Instruction - When the Loop Instruction is received by the
MTC in the idle state (except that no MTT will be selected) the MTC will send an Output Data Request
to the computer and when the computer responds with an Output Acknowledge the MTC will transfer
the Data word into its data storage register. The MTC will then send an Input Data Request to the
computer and transfer the Data word to the computer input lines. When the computer responds with
an Input Acknowledge, the MTC will form the selected parity for each character, transfer the char-
acters through the data loop paths which bypass the line drivers and input amplifiers thereby by-
passing the MTT'S, check the characters for Lateral Parity and compare the characters with the
correct ones stored in the word register. The MTC will then send an Input Data Request to the com-
puter and transfer the re-assembled word to the computer input lines. When the computer responds
with an Input Acknowledge, the MTC will send an InTerrupt to the computer and transfer the status
information to the computer input lines.
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