| ![]() MIL-D-81347C(AS)
The Type III error signal (indicating the redundant launch logic
is not in agreement (see 3.5.2 .4.5.2 (9) (c)) shall be a logical "l" for a maximum of 260 10% milli-
seconds, and shall occur during the time the inhibit signal is a logical "1". Data comparison of the
Ordnance Launch Register shall be done during the time the Registers are active. Following an SLT
Status Command, the Type III error signal may be a logical "1" for an indefinite period of time.
Interrogate signals - The computer may request that the AOIL
enter one or more (up to five) status words. The computer requests the interrogation of these words
(Wing status, Bomb Bay Status, Pressurized Sono/SUS Status, Manual Switch/Door Status, and SLT
Status) by transmitting an Interrogate Command (see Figure 84) to the OOL. The OOL shall decode
the computer command and transmit 0.5 microsecond (min. ) logical "1" interrogate signal to the AOIL.
The SLT Status Interrogate Command shall terminate the SLT
interrogate sequence as described in
Ordnance Output Logic to Aircraft Ordnance System
Signal Characteristics - Unless otherwise noted all output drivers
shall interface with a circuit in the Aircraft Ordnance System similar to that shown in Figure 89. In
this case a logical "l" is O +1.5 -0.0 volts and a logical "O" is 12 l 1 volts.
All output signals from the OOL to the Armament/Ordnance Sys-
tems shall be relay drivers capable of driving a diode damped inductive load of not more than 250 ma.
The output signals shall originate in the DPS and terminate in one of the following interconnection boxes:
(1) Search Store interconnection box
(2) Forward Armament interconnection box
(3) Aft Armament interconnection box
Each of these interconnection boxes shall provide an output con-
nector to the DPS. The DPS Armament Ordnance Test Panel shall provide the positive voltage to
operate the isolation relays in the three interconnection boxes. This voltage shall be used only for
the relays to which the DPS interfaces. The relays shall be activated when the two series drivers in
the DPS are turned on to provide a return path for the DPS positive power supply through the isolation
relay in the interconnection box, to the DPS ground. By this means the DPS can remain isolated from
the ARM/ORD ground and aircraft +28 VDC transient conditions.
Sonobuoy Launchers
Select and Launch Commands - The OOL shall, upon computer
command, select and launch one of 51 sonobuoys from the cartridge ejected sonobuoy launcher system.
The selection of a particular launcher in the SLT is accomplished
by relays. Once a launcher is selected, the launching is accomplished by a Silicon Controlled Recti-
fier (SCR). Figures 90, 91 and 92 show timing and wiring diagrams for the SLT select and launch
The Launcher System is divided into two groups of 27 and 24
launchers designated Bank I and Bank II. Each Bank contains 13 four-pole relays. One pole from
each relay is common to one SCR. Both Banks share the same two SCR's. Each relay controls two
launchers, but one SCR selects only one of the two. In actual operation the SCR, Bank, and Relay
select functions are as shown in Figures 90 and 91. The SCR select shall be delayed 130 milliseconds
10% to provide for relay stabilization prior to the actual launch command.
By use of alternate selection lines (for Bank and Even/Odd selec-
tion) all critical paths are redundant. This reduces the number of buoys unavailable for launch to 4
out of 5, assuming a single driver failure.
The alternate driver select line controls a relay which simply
reverses the outputs of the Bank select final drivers. This is reflected in the alternate coding shown
in the OOL word formats.
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