| ![]() MIL-D-81347C(AS)
this point. The second character shall always be blank in this mode of operation. Special characters
shall be defined by codes 00, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 41 and 44.
(2) Function Code (03 ) - This shall be a one character word
message which indicates a point is to be plotted at the X, Y position defined in the previous position
word. The leading edge of the first character will be drawn 0.25 inch to the right of this point.
When only the second character is to be displayed, its leading edge will be 0.5 inch from the point.
(3) Function Code (04) - This code shall signify that a multi-
character message is to be processed (Type Format). The lower left hand corner of the initial char-
acter will be O. 25 inch to the right of the X, Y position defined in the previous positioning word, or
previous word containing a Function Code 04.
3 . 5 . 3 .
Vector Word - The Vector Word (Figure 121) shall contain the
data necessary to define both the normal vector and azimuth vector. The X component of the vector
is contained in bits 15 through 23, where bit 23 is the MSB and bit 15 is the LSB. The Y component is
contained in bits O through 8, where bit 8 is the MSB, and bit 0 is the LSB.
(1) Function Code (05) - This code shall signify that the data
accompanying the code shall define a vector. The center of the vector shall be defined by the X, Y
coordinates contained in the previous word. Both ax and ay shall be 9 bit, one's complement quan-
tities. The LSB = 1/2 set position bit.
(2) Function Code (06) - This code shall be used when an air-
craft heading vector is to be displayed. The X, Y coordinates contained in the previous word will be
that of the aircraft. A four-inch vector whose angular orientation is that of the aircraft heading vector
will be programmed in the accompanying data. The resultant displayed vector shall be one-half inch
long, originating from the Aircraft Symbol, and extending in the programmed direction. A Function
Code (06) can follow a Function Code (02) without regenerating a new Set Position word (Function
Code (01) ).
Circle Word -- Function Code (07) - The Circle word, Figure
126, shall contain the necessary data for defining a circle. The radius defining this circle shall be
contained in bits O through 7 and 15 through 22, where bits 7 and 22 are the MSB's and bits O through
15 are the LSB's. This word shall specify a circle centered on the X, Y coordinates contained in the
previous Positioning word. The radius in this word shall always be an eight-bit, positive quantity,
where 377 in the octal code represents one display diameter. The binary equivalent for radius shall be
identical in both halves of the data word.
End of Data Word - Function Code (10) - This code shall indicate
the End of Data (EOD) from the compuer during a particular 25 millisecond frame. If the EOD word
is not received, the Pilot Display, upon reinitialization, shall continue to display the remaining buffer
information during the next 25 millisecond frame.
Flashing Character - Function Codes (12), (13), and (14) - Codes
(12), (13), and (14) shall signify that all character data accompanying codes (02), (03), and (04), re-
spectively, shall be displayed in the Flashing Mode. Flashing shall be accomplished by displaying the
information for one-half second, and then preventing the display of this information for the next half
second, by inhibiting the Z axis (video) output.
Character Size - The PDL shall provide controls which shall en-
able an operator to continuously vary the size of the characters displayed. Character height and width
shall be continuously adjustable from 1/8 to 1/4 inch.
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