| ![]() MIL-D-81347C(AS)
(3) Diagnostic
Instruction - The MTL shall transmit six lines
of diagnostic instruction to the PDL.
(4) Clock - The MTL shall transmit a 1.536 MHz square wave
to the PDL.
(5) Diagnostic Instruction - The MTL shall transmit six lines
of diagnostic instruction to MPDL #l.
(6) Clock - The MTL shall transmit a 2.000 MHz square wave
to MPDL #1.
Signal to Radar Scan Converter - The MTL shall transmit the
Radar S. C. Enable to the Radar Scan Converter under the conditions of 3.5.3 . and This signal is described in 2.2(3).
Signal to LLLTV Control - The MTL shall transmit the 57.1
Hz Sync signal to the LLLTV Control Unit each 17.5 milliseconds. This signal shall have a pulse
width (logical "1") of 2.5 milliseconds.
Signal to Computer - The MTL shall transmit 26 bits of
diagnostic data to the computer via the MCP. This shall be accomplished through the use of Input Data
Request/Input Acknowledge operation of the computer as described in Appendix I.
Signals to Maintenance Control Panel - The MTL shall transmit
clock signals to the MCP.
Signal Characteristics
Signals to Master Timing Logic - The signals to the MTL de-
scribed herein shall be levels where +5+1. 5 volts represents a logical "1" and 0+0.5,-0 volt,
represents a logical "0".
Signals from Master Timing Logic
(1) Twisted Pair Transmissions - The following output signals
from the MTL shall be transmitted via twisted Pair cable. Each pair shall be driven by line driver
circuits as referenced in WR101 Part H and terminated by input amplifiers as specified in Appendix H
or their electrical equivalent.
(a) 57.1 Hz Sync to LLLTV Control
(b) 1 Hz Flash to Radar Interface Unit
A logical "0" shall be 4 1 volts, a logical "1" shall be 0 +0.5, -0.0 volts. Transition times shall be
less than one microsecond when measured at the 10% and 90% points.
(2) Triaxial Transmissions - All triaxial transmissions shall
be via Amphenol 421-033 cable or equivalent, terminated in a differential amplifier, whose input im-
pedance shall be 90 to 95 ohms and a 100 picofarads maximum. The following signals shall be trans-
mitted via triaxial cables. The triaxial cable length shall not exceed 100 feet.
(a) Radar Scan Converter Unblank to MPD 1
(b) Radar Scan Converter Unblank to MPD 2
(c) Radar Scan Converter Enable to Spare Scan Converter
(d) Spare Scan Converter Enable to Spare Scan Converter
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