| ![]() MIL-D-81347C(AS)
Figure 136.
Format of DMS Instruction E F Word
Field A - Bit 29- EF Identifier code and for this EF it will
always equal one.
Field B - Bit 28- Master Clear bit and for this EF it will
always equal zero.
Field C - Bits 27 through 24- Instruction code shall control
DMS operations in accordance with the following tabulation:
No DMS operation
Select Input Peripheral per Field H
Select Output Peripheral per Field G
Select Input and Output Peripheral per Fields H and G
Enable Peripheral EI's per Field F
Enable XDR Monitor EI's per Field E
Enable Peripheral and IDR Monitor EI's per Fields F and E
Select Input and Output Peripherals and Enable EI's per Fields H-E
Multiplexer Status Request - Bits 23-0 Unused
Set DM External Channel Test
Reset DM External Channel Test
Spare 1 Test-Bits 23-0 available for test data
Spare 2 Test-Bits 23-0 available for test data
Spare 3 Test-Bits 23-0 available for test data
Spare 4 Test-Bits 23-0 available for test data
Spare 5 Test-Bits 23-0 available for test data
l For each instruction code only fields specified in this column are used.
Field D - Bits 23 through 22- Unused bits available for
word expension.
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