| ![]() MIL-D-81347C(AS)
Auxiliary Display Logic
Functional Description - This subunit provides the interface
3.5.4 .4.3.1
between the computer and the Auxiliary Display and shall be a DMS channel 2 peripheral. Under com-
puter command, the Auxiliary Display Logic (ADL) provides timing, control, deflection and video
signals to control the presentation of functional data on the CRT of the Auxiliary Display.
Figure 139 is a functional flow diagram for the ADL.
General Description
Presentation Repertoire - The ADL shall allow the computer to
control the presentation of data on the Auxiliary Display. Figure 140 shows the Auxiliary Display and
x and y coordinate system in octal code. The data displayed is given in the paragraphs that follow:
(1) Aircraft Symbol with Azimuth Vector - The aircraft symbol
to be used will be selected from the available mode 02 symbols oft he Character Generator, (see
Figure 141). An azimuth vector shall be generated under computer control and have its origin at the
center of the aircraft symbol. The Set Position word (Figure 142) shall specify the aircraft position.
The ax and a components of the Azimuth Vector word (Figure 144) determine the vector azimuth
angle. (See Figure 14?. ) This vector shall always have a 4 inch programmed length, but only 1/2
inch of the vector shall be unblanked.
- A fly-to-point will consist of a dot with
(2) F1y-to-Points
one or two adjacent alphanumeric characters, e. g.,
(3) Vectors - Vector origin, magnitude, and direction are con-
trolled by the computer. All vectors shall be centered about the X, Y coordinate contained in the Set
Position word. The magnitude and direction of the vector shall be as defined by the ax and ay com-
ponents of the Vector word. Figure 147.
(4) Circles - Circle origin and radius shall be controlled by the
computer. The origin of the circle shall be as defined by the X, Y coordinate contained in the Set
Position w oral. The radius of the circle shall be as defined by the ax and ay components of the Circle
word, Figure 145.
(5) Character Repertoire - The Character Generator shall have
a full nonambiguous alphanumeric capability with eight special symbols. The codes for alphanumeric
characters shall correspond to those shown in Figure 141. The characters presented on the display
shall be controlled by the computer.
(6) Flashing Character - A selected symbol or group of charac-
ters shall be caused to flash on the CRT under control of a 1 Hz signal (O. 5 second on and 0.5 second
off) .
(7) Tabular Information Display - A series of characters, con-
tained in Character words (Figure 143), shall be displayed starting at the X, Y coordinate defined in
the Set Position word. This multi-character message shall be terminated by the receipt at the ADL
of a new Set Position word, No Operation w oral, EOD w oral, or the 40 Hz sync.
Timing - The following tabulation specifies the maximum gener-
ation time for the various display functions. The generation time shall initiate at the trailing edge of
the second computer Output Acknowledge signal and terminate at the next Output Data Request signal
The execution times in the following tabulation are based upon an average character writing time of 35
microseconds and a 15 KHz low pass filter stabilization time of 240 microseconds maximum.
The computer shall refresh the Axuiliary Display, via the Aux-
iliary Display Logic at a 40 Hz frame rate. The logic shall cease its request for data from the
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