| ![]() MIL-D-81347C(AS)
Maintenance Control Panel Subunit
Since the Mainentnace Control Panel
for the four Logic Units are nearly
identical, only one over- all MCP
description is given. Refer to
The following paragraphs contain a
description of functions unique to the
Logic Unit 4 Maintenance Control Panel.
Special Test
The MCP of Logic Unit 4 shall provide for a manual special test
feature for the DAMS and ADL subunits. This special test shall provide for transmitting three or more
words to the subunits in "real time "o (Real time shall be as defined in Appendix I or as modified in
the individual subunit paragraphs). Sixty switches (BANK 1 and BANK 2) shall be supplied to provide
the first two words. Each switch shall be two position and labeled with a bit number, 29 through 0 for
each bank. The switch/indicator data word (MCP Data Register) as described in 3.5.1 .4.9.2 (6)
shall be repeated as the third and all subsequent words.
The DAMS special test shall allow for three instruction options
under operator control. The instructions are stored in Bank 1 and Bank 2. EFR commands from
the DAMS shall initiate the transfer of data from Bank 1 and Bank 2. The data words for each instruc-
tion sequence shall be stored in the MC P Data Register. ODR commands from the DAMS shall initiate
the transfer of data from the MCP Data Register. The three instruction options are:
(1) Single Option - An instruction shall be performed only once.
(2) Repeat Option - An instruction shall be performed con-
tinuously without stopping on error.
(3) Hold Option - An instruction shall be performed con-
tinuously until an error occurs, at which time no further instructions shall be executed.
The ADL special test shall allow for the transfer of two data
words stored in Bank 1 and Bank 2 to the ADL. The MCP Data Register shall then supply data to the
ADL as the third data word. All data transfer shall be in receipt of ODR's from the ADL (via DMS).
The ADL frame sync signal (40 Hz Sync) shall cause the special test logic to reset to the Bank 1 data
word as the next output word.
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