| ![]() MIL-D-81347C(AS)
Action When Processed
Function Title
Function Priority
As specified under the instruction
Forced Instruction Request (occurs
All three are first
whenever instructions 13 (k=1,3)
or 17 (k=2) occur).
Program jump to address 00000
Program Fault Fast Interrupt
or 00540 depending upon auto-
(occurs from an illegal function
matic recovery switch setting.
Increment the contents of address
Additive Real-time clock Update
00160 by one.
request (occurs once every cycle
of the additive real-time clock).
Stores the External Interrupt
External Interrupt (occurs when
Word at address 00520 plus chan-
an external device sets the Exter-
(Channel dependent)
nel number and sets the External
nal Interrupt Request line).
1/0 interrupt.
Performs an External Function
External Function (occurs when
Buffer using the buffer control
an external device sets the Exter-
(Channel dependent)
, word at address 00140 plus chan-
nal Function Request line).
nel number.
Performs an Output Buffer using
Output Data Request (occurs when
the buffer control word at address
an external device sets the Output
(Channel dependent)
00120 plus channel number.
Data Request line).
Performs an Input Buffer using the
Input Data Request
buffer control word at address
l Each time either 4 or 5 is de-
(Channel dependent)
00100 plus channel number.
tected they shall reverse their
Program jump to Intercomputer
Intercomputer time-out I/O
Time-Out entrance register at
Interrupt (occurs when the trans-
(Channel dependent)
address 00600 plus channel num-
mitting computer has held a word
in an output register for the time
specified without receiving an
Program jump to External Inter-
External 1/0 interrupt (occurs
rupt Entrance register at address
when an External Interrupt function
(Channel dependent)
00020 plus channel number.
priority 2, is processed).
Program jump to the External
External function monitor 1/0
Function Monitor Interrupt en-
interrupt (occurs when an External
(Channel dependent)
trance register at address 00500
Function buffer with monitor ter-
plus channel number.
Program jump to the Output Moni-
Output data monitor 1/0 interrupt
tor Interrupt entrance register at
(Channel dependent)
(occurs when an output data buffer
address 00060 plus channel num-
with monitor terminates).
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