| ![]() MIL-D-85859(AS)
4.4 First article inspection. First article inspection shall be made on
one unit representative of the production equipments to be supplied under
the contract. First article inspection shall be accomplished under the
responsibility of the contractor and shall be conducted in accordance with
the approved test procedures (see 4.11). Column I of table I lists minimum
tests required for first article inspection. The Government inspector and
the procuring activity shall be advised when tests are to be conducted so
that a representative may be designated to witness or supervise the tests
when so desired. Contractors not having adequate facilities to conduct all
required tests shall obtain the services of a commercial testing laboratory
acceptable to the Government. No first article inspections shall be
conducted prior to approval of first article test procedure by the procuring
4.4.1 Scope of first article tests. first article tests shall include all
tests listed in table I, column I and any additional tests deemed necessary
by the procuring activity to determine that the equipment meets all the
requirements of-this specification.
4.4.2 First article approval. Approval of first article sample shall be by
the procuring activity upon satisfactory completion of all tests.
4,5 Quality conformance inspection. The contractor shall furnish all
samples and shall be responsible for accomplishing the quality conformance
inspection. All inspection and testing shall be under the supervision of
the Government inspector. Contractors-not having testing facilities
satisfactory to the procuring activity shall engage the service of a
commercial testing laboratory acceptable to the procuring activity. Quality
conformance inspection shall-consist of the following tests:
Individual tests (see 4.5.1).
Sample tests (see 4.5.2).
Special tests (see 4.5.5).
Life tests (see 4.6).
4.5.1 Individual tests. Each distribution box submitted for acceptance
shall be subjected to the individual tests. These tests shall be adequate
to determine-compliance with the requirements of material, workmanship,
operational adequacy, and reliability. As a minimum, each distribution box
accepted shall have-passed the following tests:
Examination of product (see
Operational test (see
Manufacturing run-in test (see
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