| ![]() MIL-D-89009
"detailed data" libraries, one for each CD-ROM. Each "detailed
library" contains data for a geographic region of the world at
1:1,000,000 scale. Each CD-ROM contains one of the four "detailed
data" libraries and a copy of the BROWSE library.
Database design. The DCW utilizes the Vector Product
Format (VPF) georelational data model to support a vector-based,
thematically layered database. The VPF is described in MIL-STD-
Database sources. The DCW database content is based
primarily on the feature content of the 1:1,000,000-scale DMA ONC
series. The 270 ONC sheets are supplemented with six 1:2,000,000-
scale JNCs in the Antarctic region where ONC coverage is not
available. Other ancillary sources for the DCW are DMA's Digital
Aeronautical Flight Information File (DAFIF) for the airport
features, Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) imagery
developed by the USGS for the vegetation over the continental
U.S., and Joint Operation Graphics (JOGs), and Tactical Pilotage
Charts (TPCs) for the transportation network of approximately 355
major cities. The BROWSE map was derived from original source
Thematic layer organization. The DCW database is
organized into thematic layers. Each DCW detailed data library
contains 17 thematic layers. The BROWSE library contains eight
thematic layers (TABLE 1).
DCW feature attributes. Each DCW feature is defined
by attributes and attribute value code combinations (see Appendix
Section 30).
Distribution medium. The DCW database is distributed
on Compact Disc-Read Only Memory (CD-ROM) conforming to ISO
Standard 9660, Volume and File Structure of CD-ROM for Information
Geographic organization. The DCW database is
organized on four CD-ROMs. The geographic organization for the
detailed data libraries on the discs is (1) North America, (2)
Europe and Northern Asia, (3) South America, Africa, and
Antarctica and (4) Southern Asia and Australia. The BROWSE
library is duplicated on each of the four discs.
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