| ![]() MIL-D-89009
Feature class schema table. A table that stores the
composition rules of each feature class. This table describes the
definition for each feature class and the way in which each table
in a feature class relates to other tables.
Feature completeness. Feature completeness refers to the
degree to which all features of a given type for the area of the
data set have been included.
Feature join table. A table that identifies 1:N or N:1
relationships between features and other features or primitives.
Simple features may be composed of one or more primitive
instances, and complex features may be composed of one or more
simple features or other complex features. A primitive instance
may belong to more than one feature.
Feature table. A table made up of rows of features in a
feature class. These rows collectively form the feature table for
that feature class.
Field. A field contains a single attribute value of a single
entity. Fields in a table identify the data types contained
within each table.
File. A named stream of bytes.
The three VPF file types are
directory, table, and index file.
First edge. An edge arbitrarily selected as the first edge
to enable traversing around a connected node, or through the ring
Fixed field. A field made up of a predefined number of
bytes. Fixed fields are generally used for numeric data, or when
blank entries are significant.
Foreign key. One or more column in one table that are used
as a primary key in another table.
Geographic entity. A phenomenon characterized by its
locational context and about which spatially referenced
information is stored.
Geographic information system (GIS). An organized collection
of computer hardware, software, geographic data, and standard
operating procedures for efficiently capturing, storing,
maintaining, retrieving, analyzing, displaying, and reporting
spatially referenced information.
Geographic reference table.
A table that defines the
coordinate system of a library.
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