| ![]() MIL-D-89009
tiled coverages in a library must share a common tiling scheme,
Library attribute. A property of a library. The library
attribute table describes the properties of each library in a
Line feature. A geographic entity that defines a linear
(one-dimensional) structure; for example, a river, road, or a
state boundary.
Line feature class. A collection of line features that
maintains a homogeneous set of attributes. Composed of edge
Line feature table. The implementation of a line feature
class in a VPF attribute table.
Lineage information. Information that describes processing
tolerances, interpretation rules applied to source materials, and
basic production and quality assurance procedures. Lineage
information should include all available information from the
Little-endian. Byte order in which the least significant
byte of data is stored first.
Logical consistency. Logical consistency refers to the
fidelity of the relationships encoded in a data set. In a VPF
data set, logical consistency requires that all topological
foreign keys match the appropriate primitive, that all attribute
foreign keys match the appropriate primitive or features, and that
all tables described in the feature class schema tables maintain
the relationships described.
Media volumes. As used herein, the number of distinct media
that comprise a VPF database. For instance, there may be four CD-
ROM media volumes in one database.
Medium. A data storage device (e.g., a CD-ROM, hard disk
drive, magnetic tape, or floppy disk).
Metadata. Information about data; more specifically,
information about the meaning of other data.
Minimum bounding rectangle. A rectangle of coordinate tuples
that defines the minimum and maximum coordinates of an entity.
Abbreviated as MBR.
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