| ![]() MIL-E-22200G
the electrodes shall be selected through the production period so that all parts
of the lot are represented. The electrodes selected shall be identified as to
type, wet batch, lot, size and other available information such as contract or
order number being filled. When a lot is found to be acceptable, any electrodes
in the lot found to be defective shall be replaced with non-defective electrodes
prior to shipment. In no case shall known defective material be shipped. Sampling for weld tests.
If weld tests are specified (see. 3.1),
the samples examined and measured shall be used for these tests, with additional
electrodes, if necessary, to provide for three weld tests.
4.5 Examinations and measurements.
4.5.1 Visual and dimensional examination (except concentricity).
Each of
the sample electrodes selected as specified in 4.4.8 shall be examined to verify
conformance to all requirements which do not involve tests.
4.5.2 Concentricity.
Each of the sample electrodes selected as specified
in 4.4.8 shall be measured as specified (see 4.6.2).
4.6 Test procedures.
4.6.1 Welding test. Inspection tests of welds and welding, when required
by the applicable detail specification, shall be conducted in accordance with the
conditions and procedures specified herein. Welding equipment. Welding machines used for supply power for
testing electrodes shall be variable voltage direct current (de) motor-generator
type, variable voltage dc rectifier welder, or ac welding transformer conforming
to NEMA EW 1. The power source shall be of sufficient rating to supply current
demanded by the electrode type and size under test; open circuit voltage shall
not exceed 80 V.
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