| ![]() MIL-E-23457B(SHIPS)
open within the differential gage pressure range of 20 to 23 lb/in2 across the element, and
shall be capable of passing the full oil flow with a total gage pressure drop through the
bypass of less than 26 lb/in2. Strainers shall include hand operated drain valves which
shall permit complete drainage of the body(s) for servicing. Simplex strainer. Simplex strainers shall be the metal edge type with
0.005 inch spacing and enclosed manually operated cleaning device. Wire cloth, screen,
sintered metal, or perforated plate media are not acceptable for simplex strainers. Duplex strainer. Duplex strainers shall consist of two filtering units
connected by a changeover valve-. The arrangement shall employ a common head with integral
valve or separate units piped together with an external valve. The changeover valve shall
direct the oil flow through one side to permit cleaning of the other side without inter-
ruption of flow. Each side shall be sized to accommodate the entire lubrication oil flow
to the engine. Filter elements shall be either the metal edge type (see, with
or without manual cleaning device, or the wire screen basket type. Wire screen media shall
be 100 mesh or smaller and shall be protected on both sides to prevent deformation at
differential gage pressures up to 70 lb/in2. Lubricating oil priming pump. A lubricating oil pump shall be furnished
capable of priming the engine lubricating oil system within 2 minutes at an ambient temper-
ature of 70F. Spectrometric analysis. When engines are subjected to the first article
inspection (see 4.4) , the engine lubricating oil shall be subjected to spectrometric analysis
in accordance with
3.8.5 Air intake systems. The combustion air shall be taken from the engine compart-
ment or from installing activity provided ducts to the weather, as specified (see 6.2.1) . When it is specified that the engine will take its combustion air from the
engine compartment, the engine shall be provided with an effective air intake silencer and
with a cleanable filter or screen necessary to protect the equipment from ingesting dirt.
Oil bath filters or media that would support combustion or produce toxic fumes during a
fire in the engine space are not acceptable. Suppliers wishing to offer media other than
a metallic type or flameproof paper should receive NAVSEC approval before receipt of an
order or invitation to bid. Filters shall incorporate a device which shall indicate when
the element requires changing or cleaning. The intake system shall be directed or extended
as necessary to avoid unnecessary heat transfer to combustion air from hot engine parts
such as exhaust manifolds and turbocharger turbine casings. When specified in the contract or order that the engine will take combustion
air from installing activity provided ducts directly to the engine intake, the following
equipment shall be furnished with the engine:
(a) An air filter shall be installed close to the engine.
(b) The filter elements shall withstand a uniformly distributed gage pressure of
5 lb/in2 over the engine surface of the element.
(c) The area of the filter element shall be such that the air velocity at the
face of the filter does not exceed 2000 feet per minute (ft/min) , or the
pressure drop across the clean filter be more than 4 inches of water at
rated output.
(d) A manometer or signal device shall be connected across the element to
indicate when cleaning is required.
(e) The filter housing shall permit removal of the element for cleaning.
(f) The filter element shall be installed at an angle 90 degrees or less to the
direction of air flow in order that impinging dirt will drop to the bottom
of the duct on the upstream side of filter element. Noise level requirements. When specified (see 6.2.1) , the design of the air
intake silencer and shall be such that the near field airborne noise measurements
taken at the silencer do not exceed those levels measured at all other locations near the
engine. Measurements and instrumentation shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-740. Blowers and air recievers. Means shall be provided for draining pockets in
the blower housing and air receiver where oil or water may accumulate.
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