| ![]() MIL-E-23457(SHIPS)
reversing mechanism until the crankshaft changes direction of rotation shall not exceed 10
The governor fuel actuating shaft or fuel injection pump control linkage shall be
provided with a pointer and a graduated scale to indicate pump rack position. Auxiliary hand operation. When remote or power operation is required (see
6.2.1) for controlling or reversing the engines, auxiliary hand operation shall be provided.
The design shall include means to prevent simultaneous power and hand operation. Hand or
power operated control mechanism shall permit convenient operation by one man. Interlock. Mechanisms for direct reversing engines shall be provided with
an interlock which will prevent fuel injection to the cylinders before the crankcase has
stopped rotating and the various mechanisms are set. Emergency shut-down device. Engines shall be provided with an emergency shut-
down device, operable--by a pull cable, which shall strip the fuel racks or shut-off the air
and stop the engine without any damage within 60 seconds. The device shall be of a type
which requires manual resetting before the engine can be restarted. When the engine takes
combustion air from the engine compartment, the shutdown device shall, as a minimum, shut-
off the air to prevent ingestion of Halon 1301. This device may be combined with the speed
limiting device (see The pull cable will be furnished by the installing activity.
3.8.11 Interference shielding. Electrical equipment and interconnections shall be
interference shielded in conformance with MIL-I-16165.
3.8.12 Resiliently mounted equipment. When resiliently mounted equipment is specified
(see 6.2.1),he following information shall be submitted as specified in 3.12 on a drawing
headed "Mounting Installation Design Data":
Speed range (for propulsion machinery and direct current (d.c.) generators)
or synchronous speed (for alternating current (a.c.) generators of the
unit) .
Total weight of the mounted assembly in the operating condition. The weight
shall include weight of subbase, service fluids, piping filters, and all
other attached accessories.
Location of the unit center-of-gravity in at least two planes.
The moments of inertia and products of inertia of the mounted unit about
three mutually perpendicular axis with the origin at the unit center-of-
gravity and the orientation of the axis indicated with respect to the
equipment and ship.
The six natural frequencies (in Hz) of the unit.
The type mounting used in performance of the calculation. For mounting other
than approved Navy type, information relative to mount natural frequency,
static load deflection, and transmissibility is required.
List of assumptions made in calculating natural frequencies.
3.8.13 Torsional vibration. The engine manufacturer shall furnish a torsional vibra-
tion analysis in accordance with the data ordering document included in the contract or
order, except that the actual torsiograph test is not required in cases where the engine
manufacturer does not furnish the engine driven equipment.
3.9 Dimensions and weight.
The dimensions and weight shall be as specified in 3.9.1
and 3.9.2.
3.9.1 Dimensions. As specified (see 6.2.1) , dimensions shall include projections of
attached accessories, levers , and piping.
3.9.2 Weight. As specified (see 6.2.1) , weight shall be interpreted as the maximum
weight of the engine in operating condition and shall include the weight of attached and
detached accessories and service fluids.
3.10 Painting. Engines shall be painted in the same manner as for commercial delivery.
Internal oil-wetted surfaces shall not be painted.
3.11 Designating and marking. Engines, components, and parts shall be marked for
identification in accordance with MIL-STD-130.
3.11.1 Engines shall be provided with an identification plate secured to the engine
in a visible and convenient location. Identification plates shall be of metal and shall
show the following:
(a) Engine type.
(b) Serial number.
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