| ![]() MIL-E-23457B(SHIPS)
the corresponding "P number" and applicable specifications in MIL-P-116. Manifolds, pumps,
turbochargers, and other attached accessories shall not be removed from the engine during
cleaning and preservation unless the removal is considered essential for complete coverage
of the preservative. Lubricating oil, fresh and sea water system. Preservative type as appli-
cable, grade 30 in accordance with MIL-L-21260, shall be used throughout the engine and
gear, fresh water, sea water, and lubricating oil systems in lieu of the P-2, P-3, P-5, and
P-9 preservative specified in MIL-E-10062. When required, engine manufacturers may revise
MIL-L-21260 by imposing a maximum zinc content limit. Clean filter elements shall be
installed in the fuel and lubricating oil systems after preservation is completed. In
addition, the fresh water system with thermostats removed, shall be drained and completely
dried with warm air prior to preservation. If it is impractical to perform a drying-out
procedure, the cooling system shall be flushed with a soluble oil conforming to MIL-I-24453,
which will emulsify the water and remove it on draining. The system shall then be flushed
with the specified preservative and the thermostats replaced. The preservative oil shall
be drained from all systems including the crankcase.
# Fuel oil system. Preservative in accordance with MIL-L-21260, type as
applicable, grade,10, shall be used throughout the fuel system. A substitute, satisfactory
to the command or agency concerned, may be used for those fuel systems where passages and
orifices are so small as to prevent pumping of the preservative throughout the system.
A mixture of four parts diesel fuel and on part P-10 is satisfactory. Injectors shall not
be removed from engines for the purpose of preservation. Valve mechanism. Access covers shall be removed and all surfaces within the
valve compartment, Including rocker mechanisms, valve stems, springs, guides, push rods, and
the inside face of the cover plate shall be coated with P-10 preservative. Transmission and transfer case. Transmission and transfer case and any other
gear trains not lubricated by the main engine lubricating system shall be drained of lubri-
cant and all surfaces within the housing coated with P-10. Packaging. Engine units shall be individually unit protected in accordance
with MIL-P-116, method II to insure optimum desiccation, engine inlets and outlets shall
not be sealed. As specified (see 6.2.1), one of the two packaging methods shall be used.
(a) Method IIa - noreusable floating bag. The flexible barrier bag shall con-
form to the requirements of MIL-P-116 and MIL-B-131, class 1. Humidity
indicators shall conform to MIL-I-26860, (plug type) . Projections and
sharp corners of the engine unit shall be cushioned as specified in 5.2.4.
Wherever hold-down bolts go through the barrier bag, gaskets fabricated of
material conforming to G-1123 of MIL-G-12803 shall be secured to both the
inside and outside of the bag with adhesive conforming to MMM-A-260 for
fiber gaskets and MMM-A-1617 for rubber gaskets. Desiccant shall be uniformly
distributed throughout the package to obtain optimum effectiveness.
(b) Method IIa - reusable floating bag. A reusable container conforming to
MIL-C-9959, type III, shall be used. Detached instruments, accessories, repair parts, and tools. Detached instru-
ments, accessories, repair parts, and tools shall be preserved-packaged level A in accord-
ance with MIL-R-196 or MIL-E-17555, as applicable. Unless used in sets, pairs, or quantity
greater than one or as specified in the contract or order, detached instruments, accessories,
repair parts, and tools shall be individually preserved-packaged. When specified (see
6.2.1) , onboard repair parts and tools shall be packed in repair parts stowage boxes con-
forming to type M or W of MIL-B-233. Index list. An index list shall be inserted in each shipping container
containing repair parts or tools accompanying the equipment or procured as a set or kit.
The list shall be placed in a transparent waterproof bag and heat sealed. The list shall
be placed in the index list support located on the interior side of the repair parts box
cover or placed in the inside of the box for quick accessibility. The list shall completely
itemize the contents of the container. Cushioning. Contents of repair parts boxes and unit packages shall be
cushioned in accordance with the applicable commodity specification and as specified in
5.1.2 Level C. Preservation-packaging of engine units, detached components, accessories,
repair parts, and tools shall afford protection against corrosion, deterioration, and
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