| ![]() MIL-E-23765B(SH)
(The packaging requirements specified herein apply only for direct Government
acquisition. )
Packaging shall be level A or C, as specified (see 6.2.1).
5.1 Packaging.
5.1.1 Level A. Wrapping forms 3a and 3b spools. Each spool shall have the peri-
phery of electrodes wrapped with paper backed aluminum foil, minimum 0.0035-inch
thick laminated to 30-pound basis weight kraft paper. Wrapping shall be held
in place with tape. In lieu of wrapping, individual spools may be placed in an
extruded gusseted polyethylene bag which shall be 12 by 5 by 20 inches, 0.004-
inch thick. The bottom and top of the bag shall be heat sealed after loading. Packaging form 3a spools. Each spool shall be placed in a set-up
or folding paperbox conforming to PPP-B-676 or PPP-B-566 respectively, at the
option of the contractor. Twenty spools shall be then placed In a fiberboard box
in accordance with class 3 container of MIL-W-10430. Box closure, reinforcement
and waterproofing with tape shall be in accordance with the appendix to PPP-B-636. Packaging form 3b spools. Each spool shall be placed in a fiber-
board box in accordance with class 3 container of MIL-W-10430. Box closure,
reinforcement and waterproofing with tape shall be in accordance with the
appendix to PPP-B-636. Packaging form 3C coils with support. Coils with support shall
be expendable and of construction sufficient to carry the specified weight of
wound material during handling, shipment, storage and use. Each coil shall be
packaged in a fiber box conforming to PPP-B-636, class weather-resistant, type
CF. Center and edge seams and manufactured joints shall be sealed with tape in
accordance with the appendix to PPP-B-636. Packaging forms 3d and 3e coils. Form 3d coil shall be either
individually packaged in class 3 unit containers in accordance with MIL-W-10430
or individually spiral-wrapped with one or more layers of waterproof material
conforming to PPP-B-1055 and secured with a double tie of 5/64 inch minimum
diameter, medium or soft temper, steel wire. An alternate method shall consist
of placing form 3d coil directly into a fiber drum for the level of packing
specified. Form 3e coils shall also be placed in fiber drums for the level of
packing specified. Packaging form 4 electrode (wound in drums). Form 4 electrode
shall be individually packaged in class 4 containers in accordance with
MIL-W-10430. Packaging form 6 rods (cut-length). Rods of like type shall be
furnished in 10- to 50-pound net weight per container, as specified. Containers
shall conform to class 2, class 3 or class 5 of MIL-W-10430. Fiberboard con-
tainers shall have all center and edge seams and manufacturer's joint sealed
tape in accordance with the appendix to PPP-B-636.
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