| MIL-E-23765B(SH)
Notes to figure 1:
Flange and barrel material shall be nonconductive, and of such con-
struction to carry the net weight of specified electrode and retain
stability under handling, shipment, storage, and use. Spools shall
be constructed of hardboard flanges and cardboard barrels. Plastic
spools may be used.
All dimensions in inches.
Dimension A, inside diameter of barrel, shall be such that swelling of
the barrel or misalinement of the barrel and flanges does not result
in the core of the spool being less than the inside diameter of the
Dimension B, outside diameter of barrel, shall be such as to permit
proper feeding of the electrode.
Spooled electrode alloy shall be labeled and identified as to type and
size of electrode in accordance with commercial practice.
The ends of the electrode shall be securely fastened to the hub and
either flange by any means that permits accessibility to the starting
end, while satisfactorily retaining the electrode on the spool until
used and, moreover, does not Interfere with unspooling operation
during welding.
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