| ![]() MIL-E-4B441A(MU) Boresight backlash.- Backlash in each boresight mechanism
shall not exceed 0.3 mil. Eyepiece focus. - The diopter scale index shall index zero
within plus or minus 1/4 diopter when the screen is brought into best
focus with the aid of a dioptometer. Diopter movement. - The diopter movement shall be adjust-
able through a minimum range of -4.0 to +4.0 diopters from the zero
diopter scale position of the eyepiece as read on a dioptometer when
viewing the screen of the image tube, Diopter backlash.- Backlash in the diopter movement shall
not exceed 1/8 diopter. Image tilt. - The image of a line originally parallel to
Surface "X" and perpendicular to Reference Line "Y" shall emerge from
the eyepiece parallel to the horizontal reticle line of an external tel-
escope within 1.0 degree of arc. Parallelism of reticle and image.- The image of a target
line which is originally parallel to Surface "X" and perpendicular to
Reference Line "Y" shall emerge from the eyepiece parallel to the horizon-
tal reticle line within 1.0 degree of arc.
3.6.5 Vibration/Shock. Vibration "A". - This requirement shall be met with the
image intensifier tube and reticle projector lamp energized by the
application of +24 6.0 VDC to the contact for the regulator and the
reticle projector lamp (Reference Drawing F11733401). Vibration shall
be applied along each of three mutually perpendicular axes of the elbow
assembly. The vibration shall be sinusoidal as follows:
a. At a frequency of 5 Hertz (Hz), the acceleration shall be
.65 G (peak).
b. During a frequency sweep of 5 to 9 Hz, increase accelera-
tion linearly from .65 to 1.5 G's (peak).
c. During a frequency sweep of 9 to 500 Hz, maintain constant
acceleration of 1.5 G's (peak).
d. During a frequency sweep of 500 to 9 Hz, maintain constant
acceleration of 1.5 G's (peak).
e. During a frequency sweep of 9 to 5 Hz. decrease accelera-
tion linearly from 1.5 G's to .65 G (peak).
f. At 5 Hz, the acceleration shall be .65 G (peak).
The frequency of applied vibration shall be swept logarithmically in 15
minute 1 minute sweep cycles for a total of two hours per axis. There
shall be no failure or flicker of light emission from the image intensifier
tube nor the reticle projector lamp during vibration and the elbow
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