| ![]() MIL-E-48441A(MU)
after lamp "X" has been removed. The center pattern of the target shall
be resolved when viewing through Eyepiece Assembly 11746730 positioned
in the center slot of the eyepiece holder to determine compliance with Resolution - Objective system - off-axis, 0.35 inch.-
This test shall. be Performed utilizing the test equiPment sPecified in, except that the Eyepiece Assembly 11746730 shall be positioned
in the off-center slot of Holder, Eyepiece 11746729. The pattern in each
of the four meridians shall be resolved when viewing through the eyepiece
assembly to determine compliance with Transmittance - objective system.- This test shall be
performed utilizing the test equipment specified in With
Collar, "U" slid out of the way, position Penta Prism "S" on a tool-
maker's knee between the objective lens and Collimator "G" so that the
line of sight is projected 90. A photometer having a 7 millimeter
aperture and appropriate filters (eyecorrection and 0.85 micron), shall
be positioned such that it intercepts the line of sight from the penta
prism. The light source shall present a uniform target luminance greater
than 100 foot lamberts by means of a tungsten lamp held at a constant
temperature of 2870 100K. While scanning the clear portion of the
objective aperture, luminance transmittance shall be not less than the
value specified in when measured with the photometer, eye-
corrected; transmittance at 0.85 micron shall be not less than the value
specified in 3.6.l.4.lb when measured with the photometer filtered for
0.85 micron. The percentage of transmittance shall be computed uning
the following formula:
Radiation of source as seen through Objective Assembly
and Penta Prism
x 100
% Transmittance =
Radiation of Source (measured through Penta Prism) Resolution - eyepiece - on axis.- This test shall be per-
formed utilizing test equipment conforming to Drawing F11746724 (Holder,
Eyepiece). After positioning the eyepiece assembly in the eyepiece
holder view through the eyepiece assembly and resolve the center pattern
of the target to determine compliance with
NOTE: An observation telescope of at least three power may be used
as an aid to conduct this test and the test of Resolution - eyepiece - off axis, 0.35 inch. - This test
shall be performed utilizing the test equipment specified in
While viewing through the eyepiece assembly the pattern in each of the
four meridians shall be resolved to determine compliance with
Any adjustment of the eyepiece diopter adjustment ring to obtain best
focus of the resolution target shall not exceed .25 diopters to
determine overall compliance with Transmittance - eyepiece.- This test shall be performed
utilizing the test equipment specified in 4.6.2,4. An eye-corrected
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