| ![]() MIL-E-51420A(EA)
4.4.4 Tests. Preparation of test specimens. Specimens for testing the fused edge-
seal material shall be made in open aluminum molds 6-1/2 inches by 6-1/2 inches
by no more than 1/2 inch thick, with a cavity size 6 inches by 6 inches and of
sufficient depth to produce a sheet 0.075 -t- 0.005 inch in thickness. The mold
cavity shall be filled with fully dispersed edgeseal material and placed in a
mechanical } convection, recirculating type oven at a temperature of 375 + 2F
so that the mold is essentially level. The edgeseal material shall be fused at
350F as indicated by a thermocouple placed in the center of the thickness of
the sample. (A suitably calibrated thermocouple shall be used to determine the
internal. temperature of the material; care should be exercised to insure that
the thermocouple does not bottom on the mold cavity.) Once 350 F is indicated
by the thermocouple, hold specimen in oven for 3 (plus 1 or minus O) minutes,
remove the mold from the oven, and cool it at room temperature for 8.0 + 1.0
minute followed by force-cooling to room temperature within 10.0 + 1.0 minute
Conditioning of specimens shall commence within 48 hours
of removal from oven.
of molding the fused sheets. The conditioning shall be in accordance with the
applicable test method. Hardness. Three specimens prepared as specified in shall be
tested in accordance with method 1082 of Fed. Std. No. 406. Tensile strength. Six specimens prepared as specified in
shall be tested in accordance with ASTM D412. The specimens shall be cut with
standard dumbell die C. Blocking. Six specimens prepared as specified in shall be
cut and formed into three sandwiches (two specimens per sandwich) and tested in
accordance with method 1131 of Fed. Std. No. 406. A pressure of 1 pound per
square inch and a temperature of 158 + 2F shall be used.
-- Tear strength. Three specimens prepared as specified in
shall be tested in accordance with ASTM D624, using die C.
4.4.4,6 Brittleness. Five specimens prepared as specified in shall
be tested at -10 + 2F in an air heat transfer medium in accordance with ASTM
D2137. Volatile loss. Three specimens prepared as specified in
shall be tested in accordance with method A of ASTM D1203 except that the char-
coal shall be new and unused Fisher Scientific Company Activated Coconut Shell
Charcoal Catalog No. 5-685, 6 X 14 mesh, as manufactured by Barnebey-Cheney.
4,4.4,8 Viscosity. The edgeseal material shall be thoroughly mixed by
stirring for at least 1 minute immediately prior to drawing the specimen and
performing the viscosity test. The viscosity shall be determined using a model
LVF Brookfield Viscosimeter assembled with a number 4 spindle at 30 revolutions
per minute in accordance with the directions supplied by the manufacturer of
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