| ![]() MIL-E-63124B(AR)
3.3 Functioning. The electronics module, having successfully
completed burn-in (See 4.5.7), shall perform as specified herein.
3.3.1 Power up. The electronics module shall perform as
specified herein when powered up to a voltage of 22.5-30 VDC.
3.3.2 Output. The electronics module upon input of dispense
signals of 22.5-30 VDC on any of four inputs shall output 20.0 to
30.0 volt direct current pulses conforming to Figure 1. Single chaff dispense. In response to the single chaff
dispense input, the EM shall output only one chaff dispense pulse. Chaff program. In response to the chaff program input,
the electronics module shall provide chaff dispense signals in
accordance with the settings or the position of the chaff program
select switches (see Table A). Single flare dispense. In response to the single flare
dispense input, the EM shall output only one flare dispense pulse
(see para. 3.3.3). Flare ripple fire. In response to the flare ripple
fire command, the electronics module shall generate flare dispense
signals in sequential order sufficient to dispense all remaining
flares within four seconds max.
3.3.3 Dispense output. The electronics module shall provide
two outputs of 20.0 to 30.0 volt direct current (DC), a chaff
dispense ignal and a flare dispense signal,with characteristics
conforming to Figure 1. These outputs shall be initiated by the
respective input signals. Signal dispense output. In the case of chaff dispense
input, the electronics module shall provide only one dispense output
signal. Chaff proqram. In response to the chaff program input,
the electronics module shall provide chaff dispense output signals
in accordance with the setting or the position of the chaff program
select switches (see Table A). Single flare dispense. In response to the single flare
dispense input, the EM shall output only one flare dispense pulse
(see para. 3.3.3). Ripple Fire. In response to the flare ripple fire
command, the electronics module shall generate flare dispense output
signals in sequential order sufficient to dispense all remaining
flares within four seconds maximum (max.).
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