| ![]() MIL-E-63300A(AR)
3.4.6 Self-sterilization. Within 5 seconds after the turn on
of the detonator firing circuit the voltage on capacitor C2 shall be
less than 1.3 volts. It shall remain less than 1.3 volts for as
long as the detonator firing circuit remains on. This requirement
shall be tested as specified in 4.5.14.
3.4.7 Reset circuit. When a linear increasing voltage (zero to
6.5 + 0.10 volts in 50 milliseconds rein) is applied to the
electronic assembly from an external d.c. power supply, the reset
circuit (C4, R9-U-15) shall reset the IC's 9292962, 9292963. This
requirement shall be tested as specified in 4.5,15.
3.5. High temperature operation. The electronic assembly shall
meet the performance characteristics specified in 3.4 at 630
+3C when tested as specified in 4.5.16.
3.6 Low temperature operation. The electronic assembly shall
meet the performance characteristics specified in 3.4 at minus 370
-3C when tested as specified in 4.5.16.
3.7 Inspection data. Data shall be recorded and retained for
all First Article and Quality Conformance tests required by this
specification in accordance with 4.5.20.
3.7.1 Variables data. The Primary Time Base Oscillator period,
Test Time Base Oscillator period, Quiescent Current, and LOW
Voltage Detect Circuit Trigger Level shall be measured and recorded
as variable data for First Article (see 4.5.21).
3.8 First article inspection. This specification contains
provisions for first article inspection. Requirements for the
submission of first article samples by the contractor shall be as
specified in the contract.
3.9 Workmanship. The electronic assembly shall be fabricated
and finished in a thorough, workmanlike manner. It shall be free of
burrs, chips, sharp edges, cracks, unblended radii, surface defects,
dirt, grease, rust, corrosion and other foreign matter that may
impair proper functioning. Components shall not be injured by the
cleaning method, nor contaminated by the cleaning agent. All
markings made during and after assembly, and markings on components
when practical, shall be displayed and visibly defined. The
electronic assembly shall be manufactured and/or processed in such a
manner as to be uniform in quality and free from defects that will
affect life, configuration and serviceability.
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