| ![]() MIL-E-7016F
The 5-second load requirements shall be taken from the
load analysis charts.
The 5-second growth capacity shall be determined in accord-
ance with 6.3.4.
The 5-second phase load unbalance, expressed as a percen-
tage shall be taken from the load analysis charts.
Note: The 5-minute and continuous analyses are performed
similarity to the 5-second analysis. For these intervals,
the thermal rating factor shall correspond to the cooling
provided under the operating condition.
Power source utilization graph. A visual display shall be pro-
vided which will illustrate the power available and the power consumed for all oper-
ating conditions at temperatures and altitudes relevant to the operation of the air-
craft. See Figures 8 and 13.
Source capacity curves. Appropriate rating curves for each
power source shall be provided. Factors which may require dislay include speed
and temperature, altitude and pressure effects for air cooled generators and oil in-
let temperature and flow rate for oil cooled types. See Figures 9 and 14.
Fault clearing capacity. In the case where a single load on the
system requires a circuit protective device with a rating equal to or greater than
10 percent of a single generator adjusted capacity, an analysis shall be performed to
show that the generator is capable of opening the circuit protective device under the
following conditions:
A low-impedance short circuit applied at the load input
The single generator supplying loads requiring 100 per-
cent of its adjusted capacity prior to the application of the
DC Analyses.
Battery analyses. Analyses shall be made for the Loading and
Preparation, and Emergency conditions if applicable. The initial state-of-charge
assumed for the battery shall not exceed 80 percent of nominal capacity.
Loading and preparation. An analysis shall be made identifying
typical battery loading during the Loading and Preparation condition which shall
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