| ![]() MIL-E-7016F
A tabulation of the connected loads with each significantly
large load (in excess of 10 percent of the source rating)
individually listed. The table shall contain the electrical
power requirements and the drive horse power required.
This can be supplemented by elementary functional dia-
grams when necessary.
Number, type, and location of external power receptacles
installed on the S.ire@, and connections thereto.
Maximum amount, type, and quality of electric power
required to be carried by each receptacle for ground
support of the aircraft. The specific electrical equipment
to be operated on the ground shall be identified.
Any unusual external power receptacle arrangements or
special plug-in procedures shall be described and justified.
The description shall include a wiring diagram of the
Summary and conclusions.
3. 5.8
Summary of system analyses. A summary shall be compiled
3.5. 8.1
(see Figure 18) showing the minimum growth capacity of each electric system analy-
zed and briefly reporting the conditions and loads which create these minimum
growth capacities.
Conclusions. The conclusion (see Figure 18) shall consist of
3. 5.8.2
statements attesting to the adequacy of the various power sources when operating
under the most severe conditions revealed by each analysis, and declaring that the
limits specified have not been exceeded.
Notes. Notes shall be entered defining the operating conditions
and providing any other explanations necessary as shown in Figure 19.
Evaluation of data. The data provided in the aircraft electrical
load and power source analysis reports shall show that each power source is adequate
for supplying the power requirements of its connected load under all of the required
operating conditions and shall state the growth capacity available.
Approval. Approval of the analysis shall be based upon
evaluation by the procuring activity, or acceptance of the contractor's evaluation.
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